MrsVtec Member


  • Keto Day 2 for me. I've been gone from MFP long enough to gain quite a bit of weight. After a lot of research, decided that LCHF sounded like the best fit for me. I've tried Paleo in the past, and while I felt good - I gained. So this time I'm tracking to make sure I stay where I need to with my numbers and don't…
  • Have you tried quinoa pasta? I've only had it a couple times, but I really liked it, and DH loved it! We usually use spaghetti squash as our pasta, but it's nice to change it up now and then. I will have to try one of the salads mentioned, they sound great! What is everyone's favorite way to cook the quinoa?
  • I had to decide how much time I'm willing and able to commit to exercise and when I'm willing to carve that time out of my day. I also gave morning workouts a try for a while, but generally it doesn't last for me. I'm always running late in the mornings, and 'just getting up earlier' or making it a priority doesn't work…
  • Thanks for the responses! This was my first post. :) I've lost and regained a lot over the years, and I know it was because of an all or nothing mindset. I've always known better, but for some reason this time seems to be different and I'm having a much easier time staying balanced. Oh, and we had our state fair a couple…
  • Great job! This is very encouraging to see. I'm on Level 1 Day 8 and think I'm actually already seeing a little bit of shrinkage! My husband told me 'it's weird, it's like you're melting'. Ah, such a romantic - but I'll take it!