ChenSTA87 Member


  • Hey thanks. I'll have a good read of it.
  • It is great how much you are exercising and remember that weight is never the 100% indicator of your fitness progress. Weight can shoot up for many reasons including muscle gain, water weight, and food weight. Wring yourself after excretion and in the morning before you eat is the most accurate. You may also of gained…
  • Cheers for the feedback. BTW my Daily Caloric allowance is 1580cal in order to loose 1.5 pounds a week according to Fitnesspal. My current weight is 84.5kg. I usually eat up to 1450cal a day on top of exercise that reduces it to a net worth cal of about 1200. Todays consumption includes: Breakfast- 2 toast, Jam, Spaghetti.…
  • Thanks for everyones advice. It has been very helpful. The main message I got is that I should consume Carbs in moderation? Before my diet I was having one bowl of rice or 3 slices of bread, large noodles etc per meal. I cut carbs out nearly completely for a week but I am realizing this is not sustainable. Im gona try keep…