

  • 5K 21:08 PR 10K 47:44 PR Half Marathon 1:53:15 PR All at age 31
  • I run all year-add layers and better shoes-my coldest run last winter was 1 degree and I was covered in frost :)! If the trail is covered in ice I run in the snow next to the trail-snow running is tough and a great work out! I also use the treadmill at home and will visit the gym to run the track every once in a while-but…
  • We came back from Disney and I gained only 2 pounds and I ate a lot. We were there from open to close and walked the entire day. I still ran a few days in the morning too. I guess I didn't go crazy and eat all of the time but I didn't track anything and I only ate when I was hungry. I ate a medium sized breakfast, had a…
  • When I first started working out I couldn't do 1. I kept trying for months while I was losing weight. I did them on my knees, I did them against the wall. I eventually could do 1 on the floor...then 2 and then one day I did 10 and now I can do 30 with excellent form. Before I could do 2 or 3 I was lifting weights several…
  • Lights-Goulding Any Skrillex song!
  • I don't take anything with me unless I run more than 2 hours. Your body won't give out on you if you don't drink or eat anything for 2 hours. I just refuel after my run.
  • To start with I spent 0$. I just ran outside on the bike trail and actually ate less so I probably spent less on food. When winter came, I spent a chunk at once. I bought a $700 treadmill, 4 dvds (yoga, kickboxing, Jillian Michaels, and martial arts) and Just Dance 4 for Xbox, which was about $100 for all discs. No monthly…
  • 5'1" and weigh 130 pounds. 28 inch waist. Size 4 or 6 depending on brand-has to be petite!
  • So, for 3 months I ate 800 calories per day. I also started walking which led to a very slow jog. When I lost about 30 pounds, I did research and realized that few calories is not good. So I started running and upped my calories to around 1,200. I'm down almost 70 pounds and now I just run & work out because I like to and…