The price of fitness



  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Next to nothing. Unless you count the internet connection I use to watch countless videos on YouTube, or the price of my running shoes (which i don't count, I'd have had a pair of tennis shoes, anyway.) Initially, I spent about 25 bucks on a bar and a few plates, borrowed some more, then dug some out of my boyfriend's mom's house that he bought years and years ago.

    Occasionally i go to a zumba class with a friend that's 3 bucks a night.

    It doesn't have to be expensive. Weights and cardio can both be done at home for a fraction of the cost. I can't help you with the low cost swimming.

    I spend about 40 bucks on whey each month but as it's cheaper per gram than meat around here, I consider that part of the grocery bill, not part of the exercise bill.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Wow that's a lot.

    My yearly 24 Hour Fitness membership is $200, and my company reimburses 80% of that, so out of pocket I pay $40 a year. This includes access to gyms with cardio, weights, group fitness classes, pools, basketball courts.... I know things are a little different across the pond, but there's got to be a better option for things you want to do.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    FREE!! I have a fitness center on the property with free zumba, step and kickboxing classes, free swimming pool and tennis can always be played for free at most parks... Maybe evaluate what you enjoy/use most and cut the others back to save some $$
  • chigau_me
    i pay £25 per month for the gym membership, but it's totally worth it as i i do 3-4 classes a week and go swimming there too. is there a different gym where at least swimming will be included in the membership?
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I workout from home, so no monthly gym membership, so probably about $250 total, for new workout clothes/shoes, dumbbells (which I bought used), exercise mat, Turbo Fire dvds (bought through Groupon), though if you include out of pocket costs for my knee surgery, then its more like $2,250.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Nothing, really, as of yet. I get all of the work out videos I use I get off the internet. I work out at home and tend to just walk everywhere, the long way, really fast.

    If you count the Kinect that I bought last year and the games I use for fitness related purposes, which everyone in my house uses then that is probably up to around $250 - $300 total for the kinect and all the games we own. Oh and I have my yoga mat, which I spent about $10.00 4-5 years ago.

    Once I get around to renewing our fee assistance cards through city recreation I'll start using the gym and pool at the local leisure centre a few time a month, which costs about $2.50 per drop in for fee assistance or the local rec centre which will be closer to $1.75 per drop in. I like to use the City facilities because you get a stamp/bracelet when you pay allowing you to come back any time that day.

    I'm going to have to invest in some weights soon.
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    I'm paying way too much. My gym membership is $84 a month. I also do small group training at the gym (8 of us working with a trainer twice a week) and that costs $120 every 4 weeks. I also run a lot of races and they add up too.

    I know this is a lot but I enjoy it. I could save $ by going to a cheaper gym but they wouldn't have the classes that I like and the swimming pool. I swim laps for a change of pace or when I'm injured so I'm not willing to give that up.
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    I already had a tredmill and work out at home so 5$ for 3 jillian michaels dvd's, and I will be starting zumba next week which is 20$ for a 25$. My monthy grocery amount hasnt changed
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Just on myself? $39 a month to use the gym in my building at work. I use exercise videos at home that I already own and I run. If you factor in costs of shoes, gear, races. . . .probably closer to $75 a month (averaged out). If you factor in the costs of my children participating in Track at school or martial arts classes. . . the martial arts classes are $43 a month. The fees for school related athletics varies. I have a $75 fee for participation to cough up soon and I need to buy her gear. . .who knows what that will set me back.

    I consider it money well invested as healthy bodies are a foundational piece to a bright future!
  • Princess_Lee2013
    Princess_Lee2013 Posts: 48 Member
    Maybe this will make you feel better! I spend:

    $140 a month on small group training boot camp 3 x per week
    $40 gym membership close to home, my fiancee pays for , but still outta the same pot at the end of the day
    $50 gym membership in town, close to work, older membership I can't bring myself to cancel
    $60 on average drop in to other boot camp, HIIT classes around town
    $10 for weekly weight in and workout at the place where I do my boot camps

    So $300 a month for all of that, but I am about to up it and pay for personal training.

    I know that there are WAY cheaper ways to be getting fit, but for me this variety and different types of workouts, challenges and locations keeps me highly motivated and actually excited to work out. I literally look forward to the different classes/routines I have planned throughout the week...and I never have a reason or excuse to miss a workout because I have built it into every aspect of my life - I always have my gear with me and can hit any one of these locations given whatever the day brings for me or my fiancee.

    Yes, it's a lot, but for me it's money much better spent than the $100-$200 a week I used to spend in the pub or going out for dinner, etc.!
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    21.27 monthly gym fee for the last few yrs
    29.00 yr fee for the last few yrs

    200.00 something for squat rack i bought
    150.00 bumper plates i just bought
    95.00 chrome plated olympic bar i just bought.
    I bought a bench yrs ago.
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    I use youtube for my free zumba sessions and JM 30 DS,I run up and down the 6 flights of stairs in my building, plus I walk/jog outdoors so $0 on gym and food about $100 a month on frutis,meats and veggies...used to spend twice that much piling on the junk food *shrugs* go figure.
    Good luck doll!
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    pay 9.99/ mo in the winter to use my gym and
    in the summer i run outside for free.
    not bad.
  • jaskthotmail
    To start with I spent 0$. I just ran outside on the bike trail and actually ate less so I probably spent less on food. When winter came, I spent a chunk at once. I bought a $700 treadmill, 4 dvds (yoga, kickboxing, Jillian Michaels, and martial arts) and Just Dance 4 for Xbox, which was about $100 for all discs. No monthly expense and no more expense as this is all I need. I run outside most of the time but winter is a B*#ch in Iowa so I've used the treadmill a lot lately. My husband has weights so I use his and I still spend less on food as we don't go out to eat as often. You can do things on the cheap-do them outside or without equipment. Work out/running shoes and clothes are another story. They are expensive and I don't want to think about what I spend on those a year!
  • artex1024
    artex1024 Posts: 119 Member
    $12.95 for the Leslie Sansone video collection and a resistance band. I do want to join a gym in the spring to start lifting again, so that will be $40/month
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I spend $0 a month. I use workout videos so it was a one time fee. I bought my own dumbbells so it was a one time fee.

    If I take the cost I put into those things and divided it by twelve it would have cost me $36 a month. BUT after the first year everything would be free again. :P
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Yoga at home is free ...... I use several free yoga websites on my laptop ......

    Walking around the neighborhood is free ...... but I also have a 20-year-old treadmill that still works fine's more than paid for itself ........

    Gym membership is $60 per month for cardio, weights, and Zumba, yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi classes ....... it's "ME TIME"

    Just bought a HRM for $62.00 ...... and a new lunchbag & thermos for $35.00 to bring lunches & snacks to work ......

    New sneakers were $75 (or free with my Christmas gift certificate) ....... another $75 for teeshirts, yoga pants & shorts (on sale, of course)

    Well worth the expense, IMHO :drinker:
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I work out at home, so the only cost is in the equipment I buy and my pre-workout supplements which cost about $30 for a one month supply.
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    I've spent about $150 on free weights to lift at home, and I run outside. So my only cost is new shoes every 6 months and more weights when I max out what I have.