The price of fitness



  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    One time charge of $500 that included ezbar with 120 lbs, full weight rack for 5-90 lbs. and a bowflex bench plus the occasional beach body program around $80-120 every few months. That's it pretty much.

    Ongoing costs: 0. Unless I decide to paint the room. :happy:
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    My gym membership is $35/month at the university I went to (that's alumni rate, for anyone off the street I believe it's about $45). My skating on the other hand is over $600 for the year + coaching fees (+ testing fees/partner fees). For the other stuff - clothes, etc. I'm lucky enough to work at a sporting goods store, and we have a fantastic discount. Yes, I look like a walking ad for it most days, but whatever! I like Under Armour for practice gear on the ice, and I have a thing for Nike & Reebok shorts at the gym. I did however get a pair of Lululemon capris for Christmas and I absolutely LOVE them!

    There are ways to do it cheaper/free. Working out at home, etc. Also, something you might not have thought of, if you're in a university/college town, there may be the possibility of participating in exercise science studies. I know that my university's running one soon that my dad is considering volunteering for - you get a personal trainer for x-number of weeks and then regular fitness tests for about 6 months afterwards. It's studying the effects of training for the 60+ crowd.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    about $50/month for personal trainer coming to our office, AND the price of a sore heal from coming down too hard during workout on Monday!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    What kind of university gym makes its own students pay?!

    I work at a school and i get a free membership to the gym for begin staff, students get it free.. its what they have paid for through their tuition. Anything else is just wrong.

    So thanks to my work, I don't have to pay for the gym..

    The price of my fitness comes trough the fresh veg and groceries im buying more of now...
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I use to spend $50 a month Canadian, but now I pay nothing. I workout at home.
  • turboturtlepower
    Shakeology is $125 a month
    We use BB products to workout at home - so it varies but a couple hundred a year.

    The most money we spend is on our clothing - I love Nike & Lululemon, so it can get pricey...but doesn't have to.
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    I spend $40/month for two memberships and unlimited meetings with the fitness trainer.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    The gym on base is free (yay). $50 every 2 months on whey protein, and as long as I still see good results, I'll be spending ~$35 a month on NO3.
  • BrainsOnGains
    BrainsOnGains Posts: 282 Member
    The gym on base is free (yay). $50 every 2 months on whey protein, and as long as I still see good results, I'll be spending ~$35 a month on NO3.

    every 2 months? you gotta up yo protein bruh
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    Swimming is not needed, just walk.
    Gym can be bought and put in your garage for a VERY low price... get the multi-free weights (like bow flex ones) for biggest bang for bux.

    You don't need a personal trainer, just get a good routine from the interwebs, and actually follow it. You can always do low weight high reps if you are worried about bench and the like.

    Nutrition information is easily gotten online.

    I think the biggest problem I see with a lot of people is they don't want to do any homework, they would rather just pay others to tell them what to do.

    For those that don't have a garage, you can still get a huge workout in your living room with a simple bench and the multi-weights alone.

    Now the ones you are correct about is food and supplements. Those things rape you dry :(
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    What kind of university gym makes its own students pay?!

    I work at a school and i get a free membership to the gym for begin staff, students get it free.. its what they have paid for through their tuition. Anything else is just wrong.

    So thanks to my work, I don't have to pay for the gym..

    The price of my fitness comes trough the fresh veg and groceries im buying more of now...

    The university that I went to, the gym was included in our tuition. We only paid extra for personal trainers and fitness testing. My sister's at our local college though, and unless you're in their personal training (I can't remember the exact name for it now) program, you have to pay for their gym and it's something like $50/month for a little shoebox gym. The university, however, does let the college kids come work out at our facility, but they pay about $20/month.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I got a pass to the gym at the college my husband attends for $36 for the semester, so about $12 a month, give or take. Even when I get a membership at a "real" gym it'll be about $30 per month. Just spent $100 on running shoes, though :noway:

    On the other hand, what is the price of a sedentary life? Think about how much bypass surgery will cost, let alone the lost work hours, if one has a heart attack or even just blocked arteries. What about all of the blood pressure and cholesterol medications? OUCH!! And then there's the multi-billion dollar diet industry… I'd much rather spend some now to maintain a healthy body than more later to fix what I've let go wrong.
  • cnf2013
    cnf2013 Posts: 14 Member
    I pay nothing. My Fiancée is the Assistant Director of Recreation and Fitness at the local college in our town and I'm privvy to working out there for free. I go every morning to run and lift and squeeze a few classes a week in at night. Sooooo thankful I don't have to pay because the only other place in town is a privately owned YMCA with a crap facility and no sliding fee scale.
  • artemis222
    artemis222 Posts: 390 Member
    I work at my gym. So, my membership is free.

    Your real expenses are going to come when you take those specific classes. If you don't NEED them, then don't take them. Like others have said. Do your research and work it on your own. Trainers are nice when you have the money for them, but not necessary.
  • EvilDollee
    EvilDollee Posts: 386 Member
    Gym membership = $30 a month
    Treadmill = $300
    Elliptical = $350
    Various abs gear =$110
    Workout clothing = $85
    Sneakers = $125
    Insanity = $145
    Protein shakes= $40 a month
    Vitamins = $20

    This might seem a bit much but it is nowhere near the amount I was spending on the mass amount of food I was scarfing down. I've actually saved a lot of money since I've decided to change my life. Plus the confidence and self worth is priceless.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Swimming is not needed, just walk.

    Funny stuff!
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    My wife got me a Bowflex few years back and we just got a stationary bike. Figure $1500 over 5 years is about $25 a month.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I spent absolutely nothing on my fitness. I work out at home or I go running because I refuse to pay for something I can get for free! Maybe that makes me cheap (haha) but there is so many good home workouts available nowadays or just good old fashioned running to tone you up and clear your head!
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    i aim for £30 a month, extra weights, protein powder etc etc
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    I'd say with equipment (my road bike was a gift), clothing, and accessories, I've probably only spent about $1,000 in the past 3 years. Well worth the expense. I won't put a price on my health and happiness. I also have access to Red Rocks, one of the best places to workout in the world and it's free. It's like an amusement park for fitness freaks.

    ETA that when I started a few years ago, I didn't even own a proper pair of sneakers. I totally started from scratch.