Dr__Girlfriend Member


  • Baby steps. Make small, very attainable goals that become habits and part of your lifestyle, then move on to the next one. Motivation is quite fleeting. Make eating healthy like brushing your teeth - to where you don't even have to think about it. Don't reward yourself with food, that's conflating the issue. Maybe it's…
  • Definitely, spend the $15 on a food scale, you will be very surprised. How do you even track things like raw meat without a scale?
  • No offense but, this person was eating 600 calories for a decade. I just don't think these type of questions are helpful to someone with an eating disorder.
  • It takes 2500 extra calories to build a pound of muscle. By doing cardio and eating very little, your body will BREAK down muscle, NOT build it - hence why your clothes feel worse. Ever seen the kids with the giant stomachs in Africa? By starving their body began to break down their abdominal muscles to the point where…
  • Glad you are seeing a nutritionist. That should be your priority A S A P. This is not a healthy way of thinking or living. Are you taking a multivitamin? You could be quite malnourished from a decade of eating so poorly. You're not eating enough to fuel your workouts or your body, and you could be doing serious harm.…
  • Get a good vegan protein powder, like plant fusion. I'm not vegan but i still prefer it as it's soo yummy. Protein is super filling and will help you build muscle.
  • Strong Curves home program. Glute bridges, hip thrusts, squats, lunges, pushups.. etc etc :3
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reward_system
  • And a word of advice, I can't recommend enough measuring your progress w/ a measuring tape and pictures instead of with a scale. Just as a personal example, lifting weights and cutting moderately at 1700-1850, I've only lost 2 pounds but i've lost 4" in my waist, 4" in my hips, etc... Best of luck to you!!!
  • You are nowhere eating enough. You need to be eating 1500-1650 a day for a moderate cut. Use this calculator please, it's much more accurate than the MFP ones which are notoriously garbage. http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/ Also, you want to be eating your lean mass in grams of protein every day. It helps DRASTICALLY with…
  • I track my progress with measurements, pics in the mirror, and how my clothes fit. Threw out my scale a long time ago:)
  • that is.. so sad. I am naked pre much anytime I'm not in public, lol
  • It's not BDSM at all. It glorifies an abusive relationship and it's written like utter garbage. It's trashy porn.
  • You're really not eating enough calories. MFP calculators are terrible, go use the ones on www.iifym.com If you were completely sedentary, you will lose on 1487 kcals a day. If you exercise 3 times a week, you will lose at 1700-1600 as a 5'8", 146 lb woman. Why starve yourself? Please reconsider. Your body needs nutrients…
  • Please keep mocking people with Autism and/or other developmental disabilities, it makes you really cool.
  • Will never reproduce. Count me in! I may be a foster mom someday, though. There are 500,000 unwanted kids waiting for adoption in the US alone.
  • Yikes. Use the calculator on www.iifym.com The MFP calculators are awful. If you are 5'10" your BMR is much more than 1200. Could be doing yourself a huge disservice in the long run if you eat too little. Think about the nutrients alone, do you really think you are eating 100% of your vitamin A every day eating 1200 kcals,…
  • Dude, seriously. This is my life! It takes me less than an hour to deep clean the entire house including the bathroom, and have nothing else to do. Your wife sort of reminds me of past roommates, who had never lived on their own. They don't clean or are really slow at it because they don't KNOW HOW. They are BAD at…
  • If it's just her, you, and the baby, how is there so much cleaning to be done every day? Maybe you both (or she) needs to lower her standards and expectations of what equates to "cleanliness". Do you guys really want to spend your lives working, doing chores, and sleeping? There is so much more to life ;x Idk my husband…
  • Cannot advocate Strong Curves enough. It's a great lifting program for women, and it's also full of information about nutrition etc.. It's extremely informative, factual, and concise. It's only $9. You need to be eating at maintenance or higher to gain muscle, which will "tone" you up. Toning = Muscle. Example;…
  • I think you need a crash course in nutrition, exercise, and how weight loss works. I think you need some direction. Strong Curves has all of that as well as some great workout routines. I sound like I'm pushing it but I legitimately want you to get off on the right foot. It's oriented for women w/ women's goals in mind..…
  • If you want to "tighten up" that means putting on muscle. To put on muscle, you can't be eating at a deficit, you would be "bulking" or eating a little above maintenance.
  • There is no such thing as spot reduction, unfortunately. To lose fat from your stomach you have to lose fat in general. IDK I don't work out my midsection a lot, other than in compound lifts because gaining muscle there makes me wider and I hate that. If you want to lose fat, eat at a 10-20% deficit from your TDEE and be…
  • I always try to save a big meal/snack at night for this reason
  • I don't like men asking me to get in their cars, I don't like being groped on the bus. I don't like men making comments about my *kitten* when I'm getting out of my car, and I don't like generally being harassed in public. It's gotten to the point where I'm very rude to people who make lewd comments at me or holler at me…
  • FYI Ladies, you don't have to have a period unless you want to:) If you're taking birth control, you aren't having a period anyway because you don't ovulate - it's actually just withdrawal bleeding. Anyway, if you are on a mono-phasic pill you can just skip your placebos and take BC every day, all year long. No periods. No…
  • I set a weekly calorie goal instead of a daily one. Some days I eat less, some days I eat more. As long as you're not eating -too- little:) Definitely make sure you are eating above your BMR. Some people have great success intuitively eating. Others don't. I don't, t hat's why I was overweight in the first place ^_~ Lol.
  • Oops I prematurely posted ^_~ If you want to burn fat, then you would eat 10-20% less than your TDEE. I do 10% because I am going for long-term and my energy levels are better, and I'm less likely to binge. Also, ditch the scale. It's a really bad measure of progress. Especially if you're lifting weights. I swear, you'll…