

  • I run 3 days a week, 3-4 miles each time and do 30DS everyday. I am sure I burn 500 in doing my daily activities on top of exercising. No worries. The days I don't run I don't really have extra time to do more exercise than the 30DS. It's not a matter of endurance or energy - time is a factor. Anytime I can fit anything…
  • I don't think I can do 500 (even though what I naturally do probably does equal that). I run 3 miles 3 days a week. I do 30DS every day but that only burns like 160 calories or so. 500 is a very high number for me. I am active but still. Maybe next weeks challenge will be a bit more realistic for me.
  • This is my first challenge being on MFP. Go Red Team!!
  • Rest it! Go to runnersworld on the Beginners Forum and post this there, very insightful people over there. Good luck!
  • I'm 27 and looking to lose 40 lbs overall. I've gained 20 just over the past year. 13 of it being in the last 7 mos. I would like to get back down to 125-130 eventually. I am 5'1".
  • I use a lot of cayenne. I love spicy foods. I use salt when cooking but not very much and not once its on the plate. I don't have any medical conditions which require limiting salt. I run also so I need my sodium - just not too much of it.
  • A good base to go by is 100 calories per mile ran. Less if you have walk breaks. If you are quite overweight then a little more.
    in Runners Comment by Lauren1983 July 2011