pr33mi3mom Member


  • First of all, good for you for tossing it! We are all so programmed to not waste food. What was it our parents told us growing up? "There are starving people in the world! Eat your food!" I also want to say kudos for not forcing your daughter to eat it. It's enlightening how much programming we're breaking in our own loves…
  • It's such a social thing to do and we all probably tended to use it as a supplement to our coping mechanisms. (ie: when we're tired, sad, frustrated, angry, to celebrate...) I am on day 82 now of no cigs or alcohol (WooHoo!!!) and I can't say that I don't sometimes want a drink. Then I realize that my relationship to…
  • I LOVE quinoa! It's so versatile! I make quiche with it, meatloaf, salad, hot breakfast cereal.... And a big tip? Cooks perfect in a rice cooker.
  • Are you logging everything you eat? I mean, everything? Creamer in your coffee, condiments on a sandwich, etc... Those little calories and sugar creep in. If you start logging every tiny little thing, even if it's just for a few days, you'll see where it's going wrong. Also, make sure you eat all 3 meals, plus snack, and…
  • egg whites, grilled chicken, greek yogurt, and my new favorites: quinoa and couscous.
  • What a transformation! You must feel like you're on top of the world right now! Congratulations on a job well done!
  • Gosh, I thought I was alone! Three months ago I was eating pretty much whatever. Since I've made all these diet changes and started working out regularly, I notice I want grains, nuts, seeds, veggies and fruits. About the only meat that sounds okay is chicken. Red meat tastes too gamey and pork is blecht. Bacon sounds…
  • So, I have 3 rules for get togethers. 1) 99% of the unhealthy food there is something you've had before (or relatively close) so you already know what it will taste like. Don't bother eating it. It's pointless. It's not some strange exotic new dish you've never heard of. 2) Find someone who is empathetic to your situation…
  • I at least write it down every day. Otherwise I won't have any way of knowing if I'm progressing and at what rate.