oliverar Member


  • My experience with CF had been great. To echo a comment above - shop around (most have free Saturday classes or will let you come observe for a class or 2). You must must must find a box with good, qualified coaches. Injuries happen when people do Olympic lifting incorrectly, or sloppily when trying to got too fast. Form…
  • Thanks, all. Ok - Made my diary public. I agree that if I can get control of calories I'll be on the road to losses again. But that's been the problem. Mental fortitude hasn't been there. I'll see if I can get my head back in the game and make some more progress. Thanks.
  • Thanks. Lately a lot of crap food has snuck into the diet- in line with the lack of motivation/self control I mentioned. Lately I've been going to crossfit 3-4 times per week. It seems tove pretty good about mixing up the workouts to shock the body a little. My calorie goal has been 1,200. When I was losing weight…