

  • I wasn't using it for weightless? I don't even know how that would work. I've just struggled with bein regular ever since I stopped running so I've been using it 2/week for a while. My scale is the Fitbit aria scale I changed the batteries and the rubber things looked fine to me and I did it on a tile floor. See why I'm…
  • I haven't worked out at all..I started a new job and haven't coordinated my usual cardio back in
  • I'm having the opposite issue! I'm getting more calories burned with MFP than endomondo. I've always trusted MFP because I figured that's what I was basing my daily caloric allowance off of, so to keep things kosher I'd use their exercise calories too. I get heart rate monitor is the best way to do it. But I'm just looking…
  • I'm having the opposite issue! I'm getting more calories burned with MFP than endomondo. I've always trusted MFP because I figured that's what I was basing my daily caloric allowance off of, so to keep things kosher I'd use their exercise calories too. I get heart rate monitor is the best way to do it. But I'm just looking…