Sociallysavvyva Member


  • Welcome ladies! CeCe and are are glad you decided to join us for this challenge! We look forward to talking with you through the month and into the future! Having an active community with the same goals makes a healthy lifestyle a lot easier. We hope you'll join us for the Twitter chat on the 11th at 11 am!
  • Great story! It's truly inspirational to hear that and know how far you have come. You are doing INSANITY! What, yes, you got this and don't let anyone ever tell you differently.
  • Definitely clean up your eating habits and get in in cardio with some core exercises. I just posted some information on my blog regarding this yesterday, feel free to take a look
  • I did Insanity twice and now I'm doing Insanity Asylum! It's even harder than the regular Insanity but I feel GREAT after the workouts! I'm already noticing a difference and I'm just on day 13.
  • Welcome to MFP! Log in as much as you can to get the motivation and encouragement you need to reach your fitness goals. This site is wonderful!
  • Welcome! Keep up the good work!
  • Welcome to MFP! You will find some very encouraging people that will help keep you focused and motivated. Be sure to log in as much as possible, if not every day.
  • I had that same battle and then I realized I was gaining muscle as the other comments pointed out. Everyone's body makeup is different. Check your measurements along with your weight and see if the numbers are changing. Focus on loosing fat/inches instead of pounds. Don't give up on the workouts or eating right; you will…
  • Welcome! This site will provide you with a lot of help and motivation.
  • I have a seven year old, a full-time job that requires 50+ hours a week and I run two other businesses so I TRULY understand. While it's hard most of the time, I get up early before everyone's day starts and get my workout in. I am currently doing my second round of Insanity. My husband is a great support for me and helps…
  • I'm looking forward to starting Chalean Extreme next beginning January 1! I'm currently doing Insanity and P90X together.
  • Don't get discouraged if you don't see a lot of weight loss, even after the second month. I did the entire 60 day program and only lost 4 lbs but I saw a tremendous change in my measurements. Now I'm doing Insanity and P90X and replacing a meal with Shakeology and the weight is starting to come off. When I eat properly I…