

  • I'll be there, really excited as it's my first run!
  • Congrats!! I did mine today too and was TERRIFIED but have never felt better afterward.
  • Ok- thanks everyone. I think I will definitely start strength training now. It's a bit daunting with only being about halfway to goal but a good point was made about looking and feeling better rather than numbers on scale.
  • I'm 27 and 2 weeks into this weightloss journey! I lost alot of weight in my early twenties only to watch it pile back on and more over the years. I'm ready to make this lifestyle change and be healthy and fit!
  • Thank you guys for all the great feedback! I just got back from a 45 minute workout after an 11hr overnight shift covering Hurricane Isaac (I work in news) and I feel pretty great. I will work on incorporating more strength training as I not only want to lose weight but I want to be toned and burn fat.
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