kheagy Member


  • I caved!! I started really journaling my food and hitting the exercise this week. I just needed that confidence booster to get me through the weekend...
  • I worked out of town 3 days last week. Yesterday morning, before my cardio at the gym, I hopped on the scales. I wanted to cry. I'm tired of my day being good or bad based on that dreaded number that pops up. I'm in. NO scales for 30 days. I'll continue to log my food, water, and exercise... just no scales.
  • This really will be a challenge this week. I'm traveling for business part of the week and I find my eating habits suffer on those weeks. I'm sure I have find some healthy choices... it will take a bit more effort on my part.
  • Great challenge. I tried doing just that last week and did great until the weekend hit. Maybe with a little support I'll do better this week?? This I already know: I am a big snacker I'm an emotional eater - stress is the trigger I weighed this morning and wasn't happy with the results 181# and I'm 68 inches.
  • Baby steps. That's my advice to you. Two years ago I was at 215 pounds. I traveled 2 weeks out of 4 for work. I lived (and ate) in a car. One day, I caught a glipse of myself in a window. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was so upset. Then and there I decided to make 2 changes: 1) no more eating in the car and 2) no…