

  • With the Wii Fit plus and the Wii Fit you can challenge your kids to beat your high score or for you to beat theirs. Just have fun, either game is beneficial all around it gets people moving and that is the most important part. In todays age the kids (and adults) park their butts in front of a computer or the television to…
  • All you need is the board (of course) and the wii mote with a numchuck attached. We have the Wii fit plus too and I have found muscles I forgot were there; I had been working out with just the Wii Fit (ergular) but the Plus adds so much more to it. If you want a great lower body workout too try the bike ride, WOW!!!!! Have…
  • Vhuber, Littleeva and Jdavis Thank you for your prayers, I heard from my daughter last night and the doctors told her to take sudafed and tylenol. they seem to think that part of her problems are sinus but the other is delayed trauma from hitting her head at work. She was told that if the meds dont help then to get back in…
  • Thanks for the great tips littleeva. I keep track of everything now on here and on the Wii Fit. Now we can keep track of everything and figure out what helps my husbands diabetes (type 2). I thank God everyday for stumbling on to this site. Blessed be.
  • Worry day. Robwell is on the road to another three day trip, with his diabetes meds and meter he should be ok. Our son turns 17 today, and our daughter has to go into the doctors today to find out way she has headaches to the point of not being able to even ride in a car or stand for long periods of time. She hit her head…
  • Hi this is robwell's wife and he has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. He is on medication for it and would like to know if anyone here has suggestions to help cool his legs and feet. He also wants to apologize for not stating this in his original post. Thanks
  • Hi and thanks everyone, I am the K in randkwellborn. :laugh: I know that this will help alot with our goals. When robwell was told he had type 2 diabetes we were basically told to lose the weight and change the diets but not anything else. It will be easier to track the intake of cholesterol and carbs on here then trying…
  • Thank you all for all your kind words and encouragement. I do have one question though...........why does my ticker show up in code and not the picture I chose? Best of luck to all
  • :heart: you are doing great honey keep it up! love you
  • I have started to use Lemon Pepper that you get in the seasoning aisle at the store. It adds alot of flavor but no salt. :wink:
  • Have a Wii Fit and LOVE IT! I had to stop using it for a while since I pulled a muscle in my chest and my local dr thought I was having a heart attack. News to him that the cardiologist got upset with him because I had no signs or symptoms and my ekg was that of a 20 year athletic woman (just like my blood work) and not…