

  • If your activity varies on a week to week basis, then you should probably total up your calories and activity on a weekly basis and then break that down to days. A lot of people try to calculate for the days activity, but its over time that gets the results. Weight loss isn't always an exact science I am starting to find…
  • Yea, Im obviously not trying to compete or anything, I was just looking for an extreme point to reference so I know what is realistic for me. Right now, I am getting most of my sugars from Fruits and Milk and I am looking at close to 35 grams a day. I just wasn't sure what a bodybuilder intakes as a comparison. I was told…
  • I guess I don't quite understand this. honestly, it doesn't take much to get my heart rate up there and keep it there even with break periods, Maybe I am just that out of shape? But I can't rest more than a minute or two between sets. It's not like I am trying to run through my workouts or anything. I do sets usually of 14…
  • Ok, I planned out all my meals today and rebalanced my goals. Can someone look at today for me and give me advice on tweaks? I put in weightlifting as a cardio workout because it kind of is for me. I wear a heart rate monitor when I lift and make sure that my heart rate never drops below 125 while lifting. I usually get a…
  • Thank you for this, this is the kind of stuff I need to see. I set my macros as 50P, 30F, 20c. I guess I could do a 40/30/40. Satiety hasn't been a problem and energy hasn't really been a problem either. It's just calories and what the make up of the calories need to be I guess. I went with higher protein, because with…
  • Sorry, thought I had it public, its open now. As far as what I am trying to do, I am not trying to bulk as much as get lean and look better. If you had to ask me if I wanted big arms or 10% Bf, I'd go with 10% body fat first and add the arms later.
  • Since I started this thread I rebalanced my calorie goals. I skipped breakfast this morning, but I grabbed a Peanut butter sammich and added picked up a protein shake at lunch and I'll have another when I get home. If I had eaten breakfast, I would be right on point for the rest of the day. I added my whole meals for…
  • Well when I signed up here, I just went by the guided goal calculator for what was recommended and put in my macros weighted more for 50% protein, 30% fat and 20% carb. I said I wanted to lose 2 lb a week and the thing spit out 1300 calories a day with me working out 4 times a week for 90 minutes each. I just customized my…
  • Thanks, this sounds like pretty sound advice. I didn't figure I'd get ripped so badly for trying to educate myself. It's obvious I don't know how to eat right or I wouldn't have this problem in the first place.
  • [/quote] That's your problem. Carbs do not equal a source of energy in response to fatigue/tiredness. You can and should eat carbs. 1200 calories for someone your size is simply not enough--there are a lot of other things I'd like to call it but don't want to offend you. Start your day off with 1000 calorie shake and…
  • Thanks, I''ve looked at some of your open diaries and it looks like I am really just limiting myself with the amount of carbs I eat. I really do not feel like I run out of energy throughout the day. In fact some times I wake up way too early and have trouble sleeping. I understand needing healthy fats. I guess I just…
  • I mean sure, I can eat crap food and high carbs and hit that, but I don't have issues with energy. Maybe its just my thinking but I relate carbs to needing more energy throughout the day. There is only so much chicken and broccoli I can physically stuff in my body. I never really feel hungry anymore. Of course I've already…
  • well your pic looks great, so I assume you are looking to get really really lean. You might look up weight lifting methods for "cutting" weight and incorporate that into your P90x routine. As long as you have been following the meal plan, that's about the only thing you can do. There is a difference between walking around…
  • I usually list it as aerobic or enter in my own calories burned based on what my heart rate monitor says. I wear my heart rate monitor even on the weight days because thats usually a cardio work out by itself if you try to keep up with the pace.
  • I weigh everyday and sometimes my weight can vary 5 lbs in one day because I drink mass amounts of water. I won't report my weigh ins on this site unless I weigh the same weight for 2-3 times in the morning. For women, you guys have it a little trickier because you guys have a certain time of the month where your body is…