

  • Hello! I'm trying to get stay on the wagon and sometimes having MFP friends to keep me motivated is the last boost of encouragement I need to keep logging my food and making good choices. Always need more friends :smile:
  • I was about 250 for my wedding eight months ago, then being married to a man who loves me no matter what really helped me change some bulimia habits (and gain 40 lb).... Now I'm down 4 lb to 285 and trying to lose it the right way this time, loving myself and not hating my body. I'd like to lose 100 lb and get down to 180,…
  • I'm just barely 5'9 and my current goal is 180. (Sigh) I hit 5'9 at 13 years old and shortly there after hit 200.... Just over ten years later and I'm wishing I was back to "just" 200! I'm sure I'll make another goal once I get closer to 180, but baby steps for now