New & Need Friends!

I've done the whole weight loss thing before, and actually lost about 200 pounds. Then stuff happened and I gradually just gained weight back, sadly. Looking for friends to motivate me and ones that i can motivate in return! Feel free to add me.


  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    I also need some mfp friends. :) Feel free to add me
  • x0Jenny0x
    x0Jenny0x Posts: 1
    Hello ^_^ I'm Jenny. I have struggled with my weight now for about 3 years. I am 5 foot, and weigh 160. I used to be 110 pounds until I was put on medications that made me gain weight, and I started to get depressed and I stopped exercising, going outside, and being around friends. But my life is starting to turn around. I have stayed at the same weight but I have this insecurity about my health and appearance. I just want to be the right weight for my height, which is somewhere around 125 or less. I think you are an awesome person for trying to loose weight again! I am blessed in a way that I did gain weight, so now I know how it feels to have that issue, so I can relate and understand others more.I am 20 years old, and I want to make sure my weight stays at a good spot so it wont cause health problems later in life. I try to be the best I can be everyday and I am ready to get this weight off!
  • Yoshimay36
    Yoshimay36 Posts: 59 Member
    B U M P.
    The more the better. c:
  • katie_mun29
    katie_mun29 Posts: 46 Member
  • imamanda4
    imamanda4 Posts: 3
    Hello! I'm trying to get stay on the wagon and sometimes having MFP friends to keep me motivated is the last boost of encouragement I need to keep logging my food and making good choices. Always need more friends :smile:
  • Emerald5671
    Emerald5671 Posts: 19 Member
    You can add me too if you'd like. I too have lost weight and gained back all of it.....I understand how life happens????
  • Tobi43
    Tobi43 Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me. Most of the gals in my group are wanting to lose100 lbs or more.

  • Hey everyone!! I am a 30 yr old single mother of 1 baby boy (he's actually 7 yrs old but he will always be my baby boy lol) working 2 jobs and on my way back to school for a second bachelors. I've been obese my whole life. Had weight loss surgery in 2009 and managed to lose a total of 88 lbs but have gained back about 25 lbs. I need to lose 30 lbs to be approved for skin removal surgery and I'm terrified of this stage in my life. I think my biggest problem is getting all of my calories in the right way (without eating something terribly bad for me.) I'm a chronic snacker and I'm not into sweets (salty snacks are preferred i.e: chips, sunflower seeds, sandwiches, etc.) Any tips would help. Thanks!!
  • shaken2010
    shaken2010 Posts: 167 Member
    Oh I'm after more friends for motivation. I've only been doing this for three weeks still have alot to go. Feel free to add me.
  • katie_mun29
    katie_mun29 Posts: 46 Member
    Added y'all :)