Ladies who started at 200+ pounds!



  • Sie_Con
    Sie_Con Posts: 101 Member
    SW: 290 (Ish. Got a scale that tells me different weights from literally 262 - 297. It's getting returned and I'm getting a different one)

    GW: 190


    Current goal is to be 270 by August 1. I have to set small goals or I might get distracted. Trying to eat wholesome food and not "diet" foods that are highly processed, maybe it'll take me longer this way but I feel like it's the healthiest method. Feel free to add me.
  • miss_millie
    miss_millie Posts: 11 Member
    I'm only just slightly under. But please feel free to add me. I'm very nervous about this weight loss journey.

    And when I think I have got to lose 84lbs i find it quite daunting. Trying to remind myself to do baby steps.

    My diary is viewable bad and the good!

    Good luck everyone!
  • Cereal_Snacker
    Cereal_Snacker Posts: 63 Member

    I'm 5'10'' been using MyfitnessPal for 3-4weeks, need friends for motivation and inspiration to stick with this :-)

    SW 204
    CW 196
    GW 140 -147
  • Sam_Tastic_1
    Sam_Tastic_1 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I started at 204ish and have lost about 5 lbs so far. Feel free to add me, it'll be nice to have someone else on the same journey I am!
  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    I started out at about 205 and a size 22

    I am now about 135 ( goal about 120) and a size 8

    I just finished my second year of this . Wasent always easy and had alot of roadblocks but its always been worth it.

    Keep going dont give up
  • imamanda4
    imamanda4 Posts: 3
    I was about 250 for my wedding eight months ago, then being married to a man who loves me no matter what really helped me change some bulimia habits (and gain 40 lb).... Now I'm down 4 lb to 285 and trying to lose it the right way this time, loving myself and not hating my body. I'd like to lose 100 lb and get down to 180, then see how I feel and maybe go to 150.
  • PurpleMomster
    PurpleMomster Posts: 71 Member
    I started at 238 almost a year ago and now I'm at 159, hoping to get to 145. I'm 45 years old and 5'4".

    Trust me, if I can do - you can do it!!!
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    I started at 204 end of March, and now I am down to 186 and counting. I still do have a ways to go to hit my ultimate goal, but as long as you stay focused and committed to this new lifestyle you can succeed! :)

    If you need any extra motivation, feel free to friend me! I have an open diary and am logged on almost all the time.
  • moonbeams896
    moonbeams896 Posts: 191 Member
    I've only just started. My SW was 235 and now I'm down to 229. I'd love it if people would add me. Let's all keep each other motivated :)
  • Lmilesy30
    Lmilesy30 Posts: 3
    hi im about 260 so I would be happy if I got under 200,iv just got to believe and have confident in myself (something I dont have) but with the help of mfp friends I reckon il get there slowly :))
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me! I'm 29, from the UK, started at 226 (though I was a few higher in weeks previous that I'd lost, my highest was about 230) and am determined to sort this out once and for all. My current goal is to get to 196lbs and then carry on from there. Eventually I'd like to be 140lbs but that's a long way away, so I'm just focusing on mini-goals and lifestyle change for now :)
  • KimMPaul
    KimMPaul Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I would love some support too. I started at 202 at the beginning of the week and so far this week has gone well. I really do need support though as I have done this before, and I tend to frazzle out after a month or so and slowly creep back up again. so please feel free to add me. I agree, lets motivate each other!
  • cheaton13
    cheaton13 Posts: 16 Member
    Anyone that wants to friend me, I would love some accountability. I was doing great last year while in school and working full time, but then a surgery happened I. December on my foot and I went down a horrible spiral by gaining 50 lbs. now, I have 120 pounds to go. Now, it is back to the daily grind of planning and tracking!
  • I'm right there with you, lady! At my heaviest ever - 225 - I decided that I needed a change to a healthier lifestyle! My boyfriend is right by my side, but he loses weight so much faster than I do! I really need some female support. I joined around March of 2014, and was down to 210, when my grandmother's health deteriorated and she passed away in April. With all of the activity, grief, and food that came after without question, I was right back up to 224. I put my journey on a brief hiatus and have finally found the motivation to get back at it! I've started running and was able to take my former sedentary self on a .75 mile jog yesterday without stopping to ....die. haha

    Any ladies on here also suffer from what I call "large breast syndrome"? :) It seems that any exercise that involves jostling and bouncing is so much harder for me to do. Yes, I know, running is probably the king of these activities. But what can I say? I've grown to love it :) I had an initial goal weight of 130... but to stay in proportion, it might end up being around 145 or 150. Yes, I had the big ladies before I gained all of the weight. It seems that I am stuck with them! Feel free to add me, I could totally use the support and I am a great motivator in return!
  • mary_xo
    mary_xo Posts: 4
    I need help!

    I am really struggling to lose weight! I really need some tops and advice :(

    Please feel free to take a look at my diary.
  • brit__2006
    brit__2006 Posts: 201 Member
    I started just shy of 300 pounds, and I don't believe you're ever done. Going on 5 years now and just getting where I want to be. Add me if you'd like my advice, but it's up to you.
    Good luck with your endeavors.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    Started at 268, got down to 232 and after a bout with depression and the loss of my job, gained much of it back.

    When I hopped back on the wagon (with a new job and some anti-anxiety meds) I was 253. It's been 3 weeks I'm down to 248.

    I've got 98 pounds to go!