Excellent, thank you for the info!
Hello! I'm sorry that you are struggling, but I completely relate to what you are going through! I myself have not been sleeping very much over the last several months, then I stay up all night and get my little spurts of sleep during the day to the point that I'm not even eating "breakfast" until 5 or 6. Then, if I tried…
Haha, it's true! ^_^
Great costumes, ladies! I have a few on my profile from past years... and one of my main motivations for wanting to get toned up and lose some weight is for all of the awesome costume ideas I have in mind.... including a Poison Ivy costume I've always wanted to do paired up with a friend that would make an excellent Harley…
Hi Bisera! I'm new to this group (and totally excited that it exists!), but that sounds like an AWESOME idea! I'd kind of like to cosplay as Charlie (from "Girls With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo") after some weight loss :)
Thanks for the info/support Lyssa! I have read a little into holistic approaches, but haven't experimented with them too much yet. Have you tried these/had any luck with them?
Oh no, that's not whiny! Thank you for sharing your experience :) I have gone cold turkey before too, and if anyone else happens to read this... it is absolutely A BAD IDEA. I had to go to the emergency room from the shock it gave my brain each time I had done so. I think I'm also incredibly sensitive to medication because…
Hello everyone! I just joined the site and I too struggle with bipolar disorder I (with rapid cycling), as well as some anxiety disorders. I've found that one of my biggest struggles with controlling weight are in due part to being bipolar, and having also had several weight gains and losses due to different medications. I…