Heart Rate Monitor (can't find what I want on other posts)

Hi everyone! I know MFP is loaded with HRM posts, but I wasn't able to find the answer to my question. I want to get a HRM and I know I need to get one with a chest strap, but I want to know if any of them actually track the calories burned for you or if they just track your heart rate and you have to do the math?

I want a HRM that will track the calories I've burned during dvd workouts, weight/strength training, and cardio at the gym. I want to make sure I am getting something accurate so that I don't overestimate (especially for workout dvds, where it's hard to figure out how to log them on MFP without an HRM.)

I'm looking to spend between $60-80. I've read that the Polar ones are recommended, but do any of them do what I am looking for?

Thanks! :)


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Yes. I have the Polar Ft4. You push the little button - start your workout - during the workout it will tell you your heart rate. At the end push the button again and it will tell you the # of calories burned. I don't do math.
  • screamapillar
    Excellent, thank you for the info!
  • richh963
    richh963 Posts: 78 Member
    Polar Ft7 tells you your heart rate also tells you pushing button while working out how many calories you have burned so far in your session. when stopping your session you can go to data and it tells you your heart rate avg in session plusyour highest heart rate during session plus total calories burned in that session, you also can go and see how many calories you have burned for the week, keeps up to 99 sessions.