jennifer293 Member


  • WOW!!! what a difference : ) Congratulations I have been looking for something to trim down my belly area and I just tried the video..I think that is something I could do every night before bed..thanks for the link!!!
  • great job!!! I had that same kind of realization the other day at the gym. I had on yoga pants and was BURNING up while I was doing the leg press, so I pulled my pants legs up and I was like HOLY COW..I have muscles in my calves again!! Bad thing is I said it kinda loud and the lady next to me heard me and
    in NSV Comment by jennifer293 March 2011
  • I bought it about 3 months ago to have when I did not feel like or could not get to the gym, but have not done it yet because I have actually somehow managed to drag myself to the gym everyday..WOW!!! I think I will have to give it a try though!!
  • I agree, if I don't get at least 8 glasses a day I feel like I have not drank anything all day long. I am on glass 12 right now, and I am the one who used to HATE water and refused to drink it. I have to drink it plain (no flavoring) and it has to be room temperature (I don't know Although, I have heard that if…
  • My mother quit 5 weeks ago using the step program nicotine patches. For the first 3 weeks on them she refused to leave the house for anything because she did not want to be anywhere that she would smell it on someone or anywhere that she would be tempted to buy cigarettes. She has realized in her case it was not the…