google the sugar cycle, its to do with insulin, eat sugar, insulin deals with sugar in blood, body craves more sugar etc, once you start to resist it becomes easier. I know I am a REFORMED sugar addict. It can be done. In the old days, I would stop for petrol, couldnt decide which chocolate bar to buy, so I would buy 3 and…
I'm 5'8 weigh 148 lb I am on 1400 to lose 1 lb a week after gaining on holidays. I usually maintain 140lbs ish at 1850. But the days I exercise, I add those calories in. I think dropping more than a llb a week starts to mess with your metabolism.
Just wanted to say Hi. I just joined today. So much to read but I am a long trip on the weekend so I will start then. I have already started my metabolism reset. Its going well so far. I am happy to be free of the restriction of diet, and happy to be following a new lifestyle. Not sure how long I will go before I try to…
Fancied some chocolate so I had a chocolate protein bar and called it dinner :-)
Lol. I weighed in despite telling myself not to, after a 3 day city break. 3kg up. 3 days back on track, 3kgs down. Daily weighing gives a false picture, but as long as you know this, then no harm done :-)
Don't crash/fad diet. It screws your metabolism. It took me 3 years to get to my goal. After 25 years of fad/crash/yo yo diets. I'm 49. I got where I am today by research, how to exercise and eat properly, plus about 3 years logging. Be totally honest, log everything, if estimating overestimate, every bite, every spoonful…
Eat less, eat better. With proper nutrition you will have energy to work out. These days everyone is hot for HIT High intensity short interval, so you don't need a lot of time. I was a yo yo dieter and binge eater for 25 years, MFP member over 1000 days now. Every day you waste now you will regret later. Start now. Stop…
3 kilos in 2 weeks but I was on a bulk. Add soon as I stop I drop a couple of kilos easily. But after that it slows way down. Good job on kick starting your diet. Now you need to buckle up for the long haul
Menopause!!!!! OMG Im almost 50 and I just recently started getting restless and waking at 2am! Never occured to me it could be menopause. I cut coffee after 3pm and eat lettuce don't know why it works but it does.
I have found in a lot of places I can order grilled chicken and salad or veggies hold the chips and sauces. 2 years ago I would have said eugggh bland. But this is how I eat now and a lot of restaurants are happy to accomodate.
At my lightest I was 59kg. Skinny but flabby. Then I started lifting. 3 years on I am 66kg. Slimmer firmer and happier. I'm almost 50. I should have started this decades ago Stick with it.
Doesn't matter when you eat as long as you are happy doing it. Its what you eat that counts. Hugh Jackman did this when training for Wolverine and ate 6000 calories in 8 hours! He never ate after 6pm.
If I did that to my body it would shut down. What is the logic behind all protein? Im high protein, 30%. I used to go over on the protein all the time and was always constipated. Im higher fat now and plenty of veggies and everything is working out fine!
I used to stay clear of oil, but olive oil is good for you and adds a few easy to eat calories. Seeds can be added to a lot of things, and avocados I love. But if your bulking a smoothie. I make them for my son with banana oats honey protein powder full milk and ice cream. 1000 calories easy
I am liking the look of this. I have worked on shoulders for about 4 months and am pretty impressed with the outcome. I can now do unassisted pull ups which was my goal. But my behind is kind of old and tired and if this works as well as my shoulders did, then Im giving it a try. Thanks for the info.
Break fast is simply that, breaking the fast from last night, doesn't matter when you eat it. Some people only eat for a 6 or 8 hour window during the day. Hugh Jackman, when training for Wolverine did IF(intermittent fasting), only ate for 6 hours a day, mind you he packed in 6000 calories between noon and 6pm!
Oats are cheap and nutritious, with a bit of milk and seasonal fruit makes them more balanced. I buy cheap chicken or tin tuna and eat with fresh veg when I can and frozen if I have to, there is a nice mix in Aldi for AUS $1.59 a kilo, you can't go wrong. Eggs are about the most complete protein you can get. I mix mine…
I like it better with a bit of salsa, or cottage cheese, add it to anything, you only need a little to get the health benefits.
I take no notice unless I overeat, then its like, yikes I dont want to put on that much weight, better be good tomorrow :-)
sorry I meant 5-6 meals per day
My maintenance at 65kilo was 2200, at 1750-1800 a week I have steadily lost 3 kilos (6.5lbs) over 10 weeks. This is fat water and a little muscle, if I eat any less I will lose loads of muscle and end up skinny fat, which was what I ended up 2 years ago, I spent almost a year GAINING back 6 kilos by strength training, to…
Thanks girls. 250 calories a day is going to seem like a lot, especially when added to the 250 I've cut. Looks like I am going to enjoy my holiday eating pretty guilt free though :-) So far now I have lost 4 kilos, and am 1.5 kilos off goal, which the first time around (just regular diet, cardio and joining a gym towards…
That's what I said for 20 years. Then I realized I could, I just had to do it properly, so I did. How? I ate less junk and more healthy food. I sat less and I exercised more. Then I........nope wait, that's all I did.
If you want to eat, then eat, it's a break and you can have one. On the other hand, if you really don't particularly want to join in, just tell them. I don't really fancy that at the moment. I spent over 20 years overweight because I didn't stand up for myself and just ate what everyone else wanted to eat. It has taken 2…
Im 5'7 and about 140lbs heading for 130, eating at a small deficti, but I lift weights, which you could do a simple routine at home, to tone, and when I get to 130 Im eating more, as Jo says, and heading back up to 140, but I will be leaner and more toned because I will eat properly and I lift. The whole bulking thing is…
Everything that Shadow said, and then this. Take it slow and steady. Dont look for a fast fix because they fail, over and over again. You need to change your lifestyle to stay fit and healthy for your kids. Learn how to make good wholesome food, that your kids can eat as well, good for your figure but good for their future…
Wishing you a lot of luck, and telling you from the other end of the journey, it's worth it!
I don't add salt or oil. They cook fine and are naturally salty. Yum.
I make mine with oats protein powder and egg white. No sugar. I have made with Apple (sauce) and strawberry (protein) Blueberry and vanilla (protein) Orange and Cinnamon and chocolate (protein) Coffee walnut and chocolate Carrot coriander hint of curry natural protein. Seeds and sultanas any flavour protein Chocolate and…
Dammit, just found this post and its interesting stuff, but its 10 pages and its way too late so Tagging for later :-)