rwooten666 Member


  • MS sucks, but it can definitely be reduced if you learn what you're sensitive to and/or what helps you feel better. I learned that I am similar to many women in the fact that simple carbs helped reduce my sickness at the beginning. You DEFINITELY eat back the calories. And even in the first trimester you should be eating…
  • This guy is my favorite person today! Lol!
  • Like a pp, I don't know your motivation for wanting to give up sweets, but can understand as that can help some - but snacks? It really is so good for you to break down your meals into smaller, more snack-like meals when possible. I seriously eat every two hours, partially because I'm pregnant, but also because it helps…
  • 22-year-old (20 weeks pregnant) stay-at-home of a 16-month-old toddler here! I'm tracking now to be in the habit, boost my intake (as I haven't gained any weight), and be ready to lose it after this little one is born. My husband is deploying (again) within three months of the birth of this little one so I'll be quite busy…
  • I strive to eat whole foods (though I definitely don't pressure others that way, stuff "facts" down their throat, etc.), but struggle when I'm traveling. I'm ex-military and happy to share what little knowledge that I can provide. I want to see others maintaining what they've worked for :smile: I'm needing to gain weight…
  • That's why I say "starving yourself." I know there are many women who start a pregnancy already overweight/obese (or with some kind of medical condition) and they are encouraged to gain less weight since their body can already sustain a pregnancy. Also, I'm so happy that you and your daughter did well even with the…
  • Thank you all so much for the feedback! I am definitely hoping to do cucumber, tomatoes (early girls as I'm afraid to try anything that might not make it before the frost), and beans as my vine/tall/vertical plants (and I can manipulate some squash that way, too). I had heard Swiss chard, broccoli, cauliflower, and lettuce…
  • oldbitty, I have to agree. When I am having some kind of deficit my body pushes me towards the right thing (low iron and I want to chase down the nearest cow and chow down). I strive not to overindulge (sometimes I want dark chocolate - I have to remind myself the store only has so much for all of, say, Portland) since I…
  • My sister decided that the "starvation" technique during pregnancy was a phenomenal idea. Her poor son was born severely underweight (though she was overdue) and so, so lethargic (not just from jaundice). I won't do it and won't support it. Thanks for the support! I think most pregnant chicks don't want to know how much…
  • I too forget to eat, but during pregnancy. My first pregnancy I just couldn't feel hunger properly and it's the same this time, but now even if I do remember I'm busy chasing a toddler. Using this app again should help (I hope). I'm actually using it to gain weight, but I've used it in the past between these pregnancies to…
  • Thank you! Very unplanned, but definitely great timing for us. Our daughter does fine with peanuts (she tried peanut butter from Daddy, who didn't know any better lol) and has had many peanut products. I've been afraid to push the limits with other nuts, but walnuts we expected. Twice she's had products with walnuts touch…
  • I do believe diet is where 80%+ of our diseases/health stem from (yes, I totally made that statistic up - it's just my idea). I do know that there are diseases (like cancer) that require treatments/medicines, but I think that you can always help it along by being in your best health and eating as well as you can. You just…
  • I'm sorry to hear about your struggle as I just watched my 26-year-old husband battle testicular cancer for a year-and-a-half (they found his cancer after he was injured in Afghanistan - crazy things, right?). He had six surgeries in three different countries and four rounds of chemo. He is a larger man in frame (6'3" and…