After Cancer

carolgtaylor5 Posts: 1
edited January 29 in Introduce Yourself
I've always struggled with my weight. Everyday of my life it seems has started off with thoughts of how I need to lose weight and how I am going to do it. In March of 2012 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer. I went through extensive surgery, and 6 months of radiation and chemo. Since October of 2012 I have been trying to get my health back, plus get serious about getting healthy overall including losing all of the weight. It has been extremely difficult. Even over 6 months after treatments have ended I am still living with the side effects. I have neuropathy in my feet and hands, and I still have days where i feel so tired. My energy levels are weak. Emotionally it is a roller coaster ride to say the least. I don't want to feel sorry for myself and I really want to move forward and put the past in the past. Years of reckless living with regards to eating habits have taken there toll on my body and emotions. I want to look forward to a bright future and many years ahead. I pray that myfitnesspal will be a part of my journey to that future. I am so tired of being sick and tired.


  • Welcome and Good Luck. Cancer is a tough row to hoe, that's for sure. I hope you are able to get your eating habits modified to the point that you start feeling so much better about everything.

    Have you ever read anything about Gerson's Therapy? Here's their website

    And there's a couple of movies on Netflix about it, Dying to Have Known and The Gerson Miracle and The Beautiful Truth.

    Max Gerson is a doctor who cured cancer in 1928 - with nutrition. There's too much money to be made in healthcare for the government and so forth to promote nutrition, they'd rather treat us with drugs.

    Anyway given your situation you might want to look into Max Gerson's work and that might help motivate you with your diet plan.

    You're welcome to friend me or message me if you want to discuss it further.
  • rwooten666
    rwooten666 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your struggle as I just watched my 26-year-old husband battle testicular cancer for a year-and-a-half (they found his cancer after he was injured in Afghanistan - crazy things, right?). He had six surgeries in three different countries and four rounds of chemo. He is a larger man in frame (6'3" and 225 lbs. when in shape) and the aggressive regimen he was on took its toll in bouncing him up to almost 270 lbs. He was so self conscious and embarrassed, but had managed to get all the way down to 220 through diet alone (since he had to have a RPLND in April he could not exercise until just recently). A HUGE part of his success was switching our household to whole foods. I know this may sound stupid, but he could not tell how bogged down he was by artificial sweeteners, preservatives, dyes, etc. until we did this switch. We switched in January (he had just finished chemo at the end of August) and he immediately started to lose the weight with no exercise and we felt AMAZING (I am ex-military, he is still active duty and this was a huge difference in both our lives).
    I do NOT claim that diet alone can do it because we did look into that Gerson crock of stuff before he started chemo. While large doses of Vitamin C given through IV can help battle certain cancers, most do not respond to a diet shift or fruit/vegetable juices and enemas. Every time we attempted contact we were blown off since he is a soldier. My mother is an RN in Oncology (for over 20 years now) and has seen three people decline treatments to pursue the Gerson "miracle" therapy. Two of the three, who were in very early, treatable stages ended up dying during treatments. The third was already in the second stage, progressed to the third during "treatments," and wised up and had the chemo. I've seen/heard nothing but death/sadness from that supposed "miracle" therapy and am incredibly hostile towards it (yes, I've watched every documentary on it and read many papers on it, both from outside sources and followers of the idea). Please do take care of yourself through diet and exercise, but don't take it to mean you should skip on treatments/scans.
  • Rwooten its good to hear from someone with personal experience with Gerson's therapy. I'm not advocating all of it, but I do agree that eating whole foods and juicing a couple of times a day (to get the nutrients) can go a long way to help improve one's health overall.
  • rwooten666
    rwooten666 Posts: 18 Member
    I do believe diet is where 80%+ of our diseases/health stem from (yes, I totally made that statistic up - it's just my idea). I do know that there are diseases (like cancer) that require treatments/medicines, but I think that you can always help it along by being in your best health and eating as well as you can. You just add on more issues if your health is crap when you are combating a serious illness. And I just feel contempt towards them, not people that have heard about them and wonder if there is a better way (I believe there is, btw - chemo is poison, but it's the best we've got for now).
    Regardless, carolgtaylor5, please know that though I definitely don't know the feelings/struggles you deal with directly, I know someone who does who. I hope that you can find lots of support on here and you can feel free to message me directly or send a friend request.
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