

  • I'm a vinegar junkie - love other kinds of vinegar on salads, cucumbers, etc. Sometimes crave it on it's own, occasionally shoot some if my stomach's a bit upset, or I feel bloated, seems to help. But I can't handle apple cider vinegar - it smells and tastes like peroxide - blah.
  • Height 5'6.5" SW 120 - was skinny fat at this weight about a year ago, until I started training for competitions. Was at about 17% BF, 120 lbs CW 110 - competition in a few weeks and down to 11% BF now. GW 110 - Pretty satisfied with my body right now. UGW 115 - After comp. coming up would like to put on some more lean…
  • I imagined this as well! But she had a big happy, goofy grin on, and was next to someone who was glaring over at her, looking really angry! lol Everyone's at the gym for the same goal - to get healthier. Who cares how they go about doing it? Good for them for showing up!
  • @Papalov - Beautiful smile! - Goes right to your eyes, nice to see!
  • Wow, great job! You look fantastic! Already love the weights, but it's always a nice to have a reminder of what I'm striving and working so hard for!
  • Finally read the instructions on posting pics, hope this works!
  • <======= Just took this pic the other day and was pleasantly surprised! Still need to figure out how to actually post pictures onto these boards. lol
  • Completely depends how you do it! I know girls that go into it terribly unhealthy. They gain weight while not competing, and then starve themselves and wreak all kinds of havoc on their bodies to get back into competition shape. This can be really terrible for your metabolism, and like you said, is usually not sustainable.…
  • I have small boobs in general, but they shrink down to almost nothing when I'm getting ready for a competition. The way I look at it is that I miss my boobs, but the confidence that my rock-hard tummy gives me more than makes up for it! When I have the abs, and appear to have B's/C's due to some awesome push-up bras, I…
  • I just did my first competition in June, and have another coming up in November, which I'm really excited for! Jennifer's list is great! What I would add is don't forget water and snacks for once you're done on stage! You're drinking minimal water right before competition, and no food that will bloat you. I was so nervous…