

  • This had definitely happened to me, and I don't know that I have any good advice. No one can help you find that motivation, ultimately you need to make the decision for yourself to work towards your goals. I can't say that I've "succeeded" since I haven't gotten to my ultimate goal weight, but honestly I try not to think…
  • this is great! too many people (on this site and in general) obsess over a certain number, forgetting that that number is pretty meaningless. one of my favorite quotes: “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself." -Emerson
  • I strongly suggest downloading an adblocker :) . If you're using Firefox, just get Adblock Plus. Works for me. I see people complaining about ads on Facebook, or OKCupid, or MFP or whatever, and it always surprises me because I literally never see those ads. I'm sure there are similar options for Chrome and IE, I'm just…
  • The one I'm most into right now is Pyramid Outburst IPA (high alcohol % and affordable in addition to being delicious). I'm drinking a pint right now lol. I need to experiment more though. There's so many great microbreweries around where I live (Portland, OR).
  • Chips! Dear god, I f***ing love them! My favorite are Doritos, and I can pretty easily consume a whole big bag (which is at least 1400 calories) if I let myself. And then I feel like crap afterwards of course, mentally and physically. The small bags are completely unsatisfying. I try to just not keep them in the house, but…
  • The Gardener - The Tallest Man on Earth
  • Man, I feel you. My BFF is definitely objectively more attractive than I am. I certainly don't fault her for this. I don't feel negative things towards her. I always want to hang out with her regardless. But it is hard. Ultimately, I can recognize that it's my own lack of self confidence that leads me to feel jealous of…
  • ultimate goal: hike the pacific crest trail! Hiking over 2500 miles with a 50 lb backpack is hard enough. i can't do it while carrying an extra 50 lbs around my waist. the pct is probably a distant goal, but just to be able to do any kind of long distance hike would be amazing
  • hello, racism! sadly, you are alive and well
  • hi. i'm not from india, so this is probably not useful to you at all, but i did travel there last year. i loved it so much and if only i had the money, i would be back in a second. what part are you from? anyway, i just decided to reply to your post because i saw that no one else has responded. just wanted to say welcome!…
  • lol, i'm chill. i promise. when i wrote that post i knew that was exactly the response i would get, so it's funny to me that it only took a few seconds. wasn't sure whether to post it, but i think i'm glad i did. i'm trying to decide why this thread provoked genuine anger rather than just an eye roll. i think i figured it…
  • ugh you guys, this really sucks. you've got to have something better to do with your time then making fun of young girls. none of these are even that bad. are they a bit annoying? sure. would i be friends with these girls irl? maybe, but probably not. that doesn't mean i assume they're dumb. the first girl (the vid that op…
  • Gary Snyder! If anyone here is a fan of his poetry, but hasn't read any of his essays, do so immediately! They have so helped shape my views on the world and my place in it. The Beatles! I listened to them like crazy when I was a kid. Not as much in recent years, in part because I don't make enough time to just listen to…
  • 5'3" (and a half? maybe?), 24yo lady HW: 210 SW: 180 CW: 172 GW: 130 I think 130 is a pretty realistic goal (although at the moment I am just excited to be around 160 since I can't remember a time when I was that low). Ultimately I think it would be nice to be around 120, but we'll see how I feel when I get closer to my…
  • Look man, I get a little frustrated/confused when I see posts like this. You say you can't eat healthy because you're in debt (and yes I have the capacity to read a whole post and pick out the pertinent details - you don't have to be so snippy with people who are trying offer you advice). I'm not trying to be rude because…
  • I struggle with pretty much the same issues. It's so easy to just say 'tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow,' but then tomorrow never comes. I won't say that I have all the answers, because I still find myself falling into those same patterns. It's not easy to change the habits of a lifetime, but I think one of the things that has…