

  • It's surprisingly easy. Started last night after dinner, had boiled egg and unbuttered toast for breakfast, made veg soup for lunch and didn't need my planned tuna salad to keep me going until dinnertime. Lots of herbal tea, water and black coffee, brewed with a cinnamon stick and cardamom pods instead of sugar.
  • Thanks.. breakfast minus guilt.. I like it!
  • Avocado.. mash it up with red onion and chilli, or with balsamic vinegar, and eat it on brown toast, keeps me full for ages!
  • Walked up a mountain with a grim hangover.. it was fixed by the time I made it to the top though!
  • Salad Nicoise; new potatoes, French beans, boiled eggs, tuna, black olives, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, spring onions.. balsamic mustard dressing.
  • Me too! I have giant skinny siblings.. I'm tiny and round. Feel free to add me!
  • Welcome! I use the food journal, it makes me think about what I'm eating and whether it's good for me or not.. it has helped me cut down a lot! Good luck
  • Onions need to be peeled, covered in salt and left overnight, then rinsed and dried. Using whatever vinegar you like (I use malt), heat it gently with the pickling spices and whole dried chillies, or add a teaspoon of sugar if you prefer a sweeter onion. Let the vinegar cool, rinse and dry the onions, then pack into jars…
  • You could make gnudi, like gnocchi but without potato - ricotta, well drained, chopped cooked spinach, few breadcrumbs, an egg, salt, pepper, bit of nutmeg, mix together, form into little balls and drop into boiling water; they're ready when they float! Good with a tomato sauce / pesto / just plain with a little olive oil…
  • I need mean friends too! I keep getting on and falling off the wagon but starting this week am back on it.. starting with a run on the beach in the rain!
  • Hi I've just restarted after Christmas (no point ruining the festive season calorie counting!). Logging calories really helps, and all the meal ideas on this thread are great! Breakfast, multi grain toast with dark marmalade and tea, lunch bacon and mushroom sandwich, supper cold sliced ham, baked potato, big mixed green…
  • Maybe freeze some grapes or have a bowl of dried fruit and nut mix? Or make your own popcorn at home, it's not too unhealthy if you pop it yourself and have it salted!
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