

  • I think my caloric intake is to low too. Isn't it funny how a lot of people starve and can't figure out why they aren't losing? Post if it works.
  • Thank you. I took a few bags of all kinds of things. My kids were happy, I was satisfied and I didn' t spend hundreds at the snack bar. I have to say, frozen grapes were awsome!
  • You have very well rounded meals. The only suggestion I would make is changing to a fat free ranch. And going over on your protine isn't that bad. Are you doing streangth training to put that protien to use? Keep going. Great job!
  • Have a blast. Birthdays are the one day of the year a person gets celebrated just for being them! And Angle face - just so you know red Meat, at 1.5 servings a week is high in zinc, which is important for a healthy immune system. It contains more iron than most foods, and it is more easily used by the body than iron from…
  • I would go with ACE. Several of my friends are trainers and I have looked into it. With ACE the military even recognizes it and will help pay for testing, so to me that means a lot.
  • P90X is a workout program that is run on 3 30 day cycles. It is based on the idea that by using muscle confusion we will burn fat and build muscle faster. From the results I have seen in friends, all fairly fit to start with, it works. I usually quit when I am in pain but this time going to stick it out. It is designed by…
  • I just started P90X - again. I keep quitting and am really good at finding excuses. I want to lose 10 pounds by Christmas and be able to do 3 full pull ups, like I could when I was in the Marines. It was another lifetime ago but I want that level of fitness back! Good luck to everyone.
  • I am new to this site as well. I have always been involved in nutrition and I love getting to log my foods. The best thing to remeber is when you have a bad day, or weekend wake up and start over. IT is not over, you didn't blow it, it is just a bad day. I give myself every Saturday. I have pancakes with my kids and…