

  • I've Lost 5lbs of swelling and an inch off my legs from a month without wheat. Stay away from oats, barley and Rye. I'm least bloated and have no pain on rice only, including rice bread. http://www.livestrong.com/article/246949-foods-containing-gluten-gliadin-proteins/
  • Dr William Davis believes that the glucoprotien in modern wheat Gliadin acts, basically, like an opiate thus encouraging us to eat more bread. He also points out that whole wheat is almost 20 points higher on the glycemic index that a snickers bar! Id say as with anything - there is wisdom in moderation.
  • I love the feeling of sweat, I hate the feeling of makeup and sweat together. Focus on what feels good inside as you workout, otherwise you cant give it your all. Then... when you do scrub up... you will have a great glow that you wont WANT to hide with Make-up.
  • I actually do this! I wrap my dumbbells in a towel, stuff them into a backpack and use it like a sandbag for bodyrock.tv workouts!
  • Leave 46 hours of rest between training the same muscle group. Having said that, light activity helps with soreness, as does a good stretch after working out. Supplement with BCAA's - they work wonders!
  • If you are really just starting out, then start with dip station and weight set or power block adjustable set. Then a bench with leg extension is good, as well as bar with plates. You can do amazing things for your strength, cardio and tone with very little equipment. I'm not endorsing, but, look up 'fitness blender' or…