Emberrise Member


  • Actually I dismiss it because it is false for me. I.e. I have been working out Jillian Michael's 30 day shred for a month now. I have only lost 3 lbs, and been watching my diet to a T. I could talk my head off and no one listens. It is frustrating to hear the ignorance over and over.. that maybe I have something different…
  • Morgan I've done everything you mentioned, and I don't need to because IT IS common knowledge. I wonder if you've been sheltered your entire life or something. Also no, calorie is not the same thing as another calorie. A calorie of coke does something totally different than a calorie from a carrot. That is also a myth that…
  • No... it didn't screw her motabolism up in that way, she was eating healthy and walking 4 hrs a day and was overweight. Plus she comes from a background of farming and eating right portions and still being heavier...those unfamiliar with farming, it is gruelling all day affair every day. So there's no reason with her diet…
  • Jane -> http://www.cbc.ca/natureofthings/episodes/it-takes-guts
  • No she's not three feet tall wdf. And yes she went through it for years, and she had to stop due to hair loss and bleeding (body was not getting enough nutrition). This is my point it is not true that simple calories in calories out or we would all be able to easily fix our weight problems. I am even living proof of that…
  • Thanks Angel, I'll look into it. And it is, I was watching a documentary and these two twins ate fried pizza, pop, fried eggs (I'm going off by memory here) but it had to be a 2,500 calorie meal easily everyday for lunch for years yet they never gained a pound and remained skinny. They found that the twins held higher…
  • Coffee it is not a tantrum hahaha, I don't have to back up something that is common knowledge, thanks.
  • Thanks Kimmy :). Vital information. Also that's what I meant by nutrition yada yada. My mother had an issue she went on a starvation diet and remained at a healthy weight for 3 years, but had to eat 500 calories a day so no... that is not true in all cases. There are other factors for obesity other than diet, such as…
  • I have examples but I don't want to post them.... cuz I've already wasted enough energy and attention on something that is common knowledge. If you are actually wanting them, then they are easily accessible by your handy dandy Google that is one click away.
  • Really?..... Really?.....
  • Thank you taracan. :) this is what I've been wondering...
  • Myself is an example of it, and also almost everyone knows someone who eats well above the calorie intake daily and is slim as can be. If you do not know of it I feel like that is just denying for the sake of arguing... because it is impossible without seeing it on t.v (in documentaries) even Jennifer Lawrence for example…
  • also, lack of gut bacteria could be an explanation for how much the body uses too.
  • .... you said "likely"........ as in you speculate which adds nothing to this thread......
  • Noo my app says I am taking in 2,800 scientifically speaking. It's assuming. Something's amiss and I don't know what.
  • Okay I uploaded a weeks worth of diary entry (I didn't log anything in for last friday). I tried to duplicate it as close as I could. It should be visible to you.
  • I don't log here, I log on the app "lose it!" and I am constantly checking calories to get it as close to accuracy as possible. Any site or app I put my weight and height into says I'm taking in 2,800 calories and to lose weight I need to eat around 2,100 which makes noooo sense.
  • Yes I do. And I use it.
  • "Shorty don't stray!" I just laughed out loud at that.
  • Thanks, it's difficult because with effort I lose at most 4lbs and then I'll gain it back so easily... I've been to the doctor and she basically assumed I ate junk food for breakfast, lunch and dinner...... which is farthest from the truth.
  • Well I was sorta introducing myself (new here) + asking a question, figured it out anyway. Thanks though! =)
    in New here Comment by Emberrise July 2013
  • goodluck!
    in New here Comment by Emberrise July 2013