Why am I not losing weight? Help.

I am 5'4, 226 currently. It's taken a year, a year!! to lose 14lbs.

I exercise 3 days a week (15 minutes with weights) and also go for 30 minute walks 2-3 times a week.

I drink 6-8 cups of water a day with some lemon.
I eat anywhere from 1400 cal to 1900 cal any given day, rarely do I ever go over..

Breakfast 2 Taco Shell ( 196 ) Canned tuna (121) Mayo (150 cal)
Lunch Soya Milk (146) Frozen berries (90) protein powder (54)
Dinner Pork (208) Potato (163) Corn (132) Butter (33)
Snack Crackers (76) Hummus (116) Pear (103) Green Tea (0)

Total cal = 1,611

Extra info

My thyroid has been checked and it is fine.


  • ruggedshutter
    ruggedshutter Posts: 389 Member
    Do you have a digital food scale? I didn't have one until recently and I was surprised how much a difference it makes.
  • Emberrise
    Emberrise Posts: 27 Member
    Do you have a digital food scale? I didn't have one until recently and I was surprised how much a difference it makes.

    Yes I do. And I use it.

  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Do you have a digital food scale? I didn't have one until recently and I was surprised how much a difference it makes.

    This. Eating more than you think especially with some of those calorie dense items.
  • scookbey
    scookbey Posts: 84 Member
    It's either water retention or you're not burning the amount calories that you think you are burning. I don't own a heart monitor or one of those fancy fit watches but if you want to be very clear on how many calories you are burning, maybe you should invest? With water retention, I read that you should drink more water to flush out (look at your sodium intake, are you consuming too much salt?) Also research your BMR & TDEE, maybe you are taking in too many calories? Just a thought.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Emberrise wrote: »
    Do you have a digital food scale? I didn't have one until recently and I was surprised how much a difference it makes.

    Yes I do. And I use it.

    Can you open up your diary then so we can see your log. Because most likely there are logging errors, or you are not actually using your food scale as much as you think you are, or you are not logging with proper entries, etc.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Maybe you need to either aim for fewer calories, or exercise more?

    I'm far more active than you are (gym 6 days most weeks, and walking at least an hour every day, plus running round constantly after 3 young kids), and I'm taller, and I eat 1500-1600 a day to lose 1lb a week. 1900 seems a lot.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Maybe you need to either aim for fewer calories, or exercise more?

    I'm far more active than you are (gym 6 days most weeks, and walking at least an hour every day, plus running round constantly after 3 young kids), and I'm taller, and I eat 1500-1600 a day to lose 1lb a week. 1900 seems a lot.
    I'm 66lbs lighter than OP, I work out 5x a week (~3 hours of heavy lifting, ~1.5hrs of cardio a week, no more than 2hrs max) and I can easily eat 2000 to lose ~1lb/week. I'm currently eating 2200 for a slow loss because 2000 was affecting my gym performance.
  • Emberrise
    Emberrise Posts: 27 Member
    I don't log here, I log on the app "lose it!" and I am constantly checking calories to get it as close to accuracy as possible. Any site or app I put my weight and height into says I'm taking in 2,800 calories and to lose weight I need to eat around 2,100 which makes noooo sense.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Emberrise wrote: »
    I don't log here, I log on the app "lose it!" and I am constantly checking calories to get it as close to accuracy as possible. Any site or app I put my weight and height into says I'm taking in 2,800 calories and to lose weight I need to eat around 2,100 which makes noooo sense.

    It makes perfect sense. I'm 60lbs lighter than you and I can lose weight on 2100 calories. I'm not even all that active.

    Again, make some type of diary public, whether that means screen caps of your loseit diary or recreating a week of logging on your MFP account (why bother having accounts in both places if you aren't even using this one for logging?)
  • Emberrise
    Emberrise Posts: 27 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Emberrise wrote: »
    I don't log here, I log on the app "lose it!" and I am constantly checking calories to get it as close to accuracy as possible. Any site or app I put my weight and height into says I'm taking in 2,800 calories and to lose weight I need to eat around 2,100 which makes noooo sense.

    It makes perfect sense. I'm 60lbs lighter than you and I can lose weight on 2100 calories. I'm not even all that active.

    Again, make some type of diary public, whether that means screen caps of your loseit diary or recreating a week of logging on your MFP account (why bother having accounts in both places if you aren't even using this one for logging?)

    Okay I uploaded a weeks worth of diary entry (I didn't log anything in for last friday). I tried to duplicate it as close as I could. It should be visible to you.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    IDK; the numbers you show are on target, but since you aren't getting the results, something's not as you think it is. What if you try eating foods that are less calorie dense (cut back on mayo and butter for example) and get more fruits and vegetables, and switch up your workout routine? My doctor says that if you do the same workout every time, your body gets too efficient at it and you burn less. If your apps say you are taking in 2800 calories that would definitely be a reason why the weight isn't coming off. So a combo of fewer calories and a new workout plan?
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Also what if you do your walks every day rather than 3 days a week? Increase to one hour?
  • Emberrise
    Emberrise Posts: 27 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    IDK; the numbers you show are on target, but since you aren't getting the results, something's not as you think it is. What if you try eating foods that are less calorie dense (cut back on mayo and butter for example) and get more fruits and vegetables, and switch up your workout routine? My doctor says that if you do the same workout every time, your body gets too efficient at it and you burn less. If your apps say you are taking in 2800 calories that would definitely be a reason why the weight isn't coming off. So a combo of fewer calories and a new workout plan?

    Noo my app says I am taking in 2,800 scientifically speaking. It's assuming. Something's amiss and I don't know what.

  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'd increase my workout times. 15 minutes is a very short time. Lengthen it by 5 minutes a time per week. Same with walking-try walking faster and/or longer.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    Hi Emberrise-
    First off, congratulations on your 14 pound loss! That is something to celebrate and you didn't gain so you are doing some things right.

    You asked for help, so I'm going to give you my 2 cents. No judgment at all, just my opinion and some knowledge of nutrition. If you are truly wanting to accelerate your weight loss, I would make the following changes:

    You need to bump this up unless you have physical restrictions. As others have said, 15 mins of weights 3X a week is not a lot. If you increase your weight lifting you should burn more calories from other exercise and just daily life. You don't say how far or how fast you are walking, but you might want to increase the length and intensity - you should get huffy and puffy and sweat a little (not just a casual stroll).

    I looked at your food diary and I think you could really make some significant changes here to see a faster loss.

    You need to drink a lot more water. Your body is probably holding on to water because you are dehydrated. 6 glasses a day is not enough to really assist with weight loss. 8 glasses a day is a good ballpark amount for most people, but if you want to lose weight you need more. Quite a bit more!
    Here's a good article about how much you need per day to facilitate weight loss:

    Increase your vegetable intake, especially green veggies. You can eat quite a lot of salad greens, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, mushrooms, celery, asparagus, etc. for next to nothing in the calorie count. Fills you up and full of vitamins. I use a little cottage cheese or hummus instead of dressing (1/4 cup cottage cheese or 1 Tbsp hummus) and a squeeze of lemon juice. Sometimes just 1 Tbsp of lo-cal dressing. You get used to having less dressing and it still tastes fine.

    Decrease the starch - potatoes and corn and bread metabolize very quickly as sugar and don't have a lot of nutritional value (there are some vitamins, but for me I cut these out completely when I'm trying to lose). If you still want the satisfaction of potato, try a sweet potato (1/2 per meal). Tons more nutritional value than white spuds.

    Dump the mayo - sorry but 200 calories for mayo in a meal is huge. Substitute mustard or maybe mix with a little mayo, but not Tablespoons of it. You can eat a lot of filling and healthy food for that same 200 calories!

    Protein shakes - now some people may disagree with me here (but this is just MY opinion). I wouldn't drink a protein shake as a meal replacement. I think having a protein shake for a whole meal confuses your body and puts it into starvation mode. "Where's my food? I better hang onto this fat in case I don't get another meal anytime soon!" You are also using soy milk, which some people believe is not good for women. Soy is an estrogen mimicker, so your body thinks of it as extra hormones, which we women just don't need. I'd suggest you do some reading about health benefits/detriments of soy. (I have done quite a bit of research on this and have completely cut out soy from my diet.) Maybe substitute almond milk or coconut milk. Read labels - food manufacturers put soy in just about everything.

    Calories - I would stick with the lower end of your regular calorie intake (say around 1500 per day rather than 1900). This is still a healthy amount of calories and I bet you will see your weight loss take off. If you start working out more you can always increase your food to fuel the additional exercise, as needed.

    If you need a weight loss friend, feel free to send me a friend request.

    Blessings and good luck to you!

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Why are you taking four rest days a week?

    Gradually increase your exercise.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    So over the last year you lost an average of 1/4 pound a week. That means your average calorie deficit was 125 calories. To lose 1/2 pound a week you'll have to increase your average daily calorie deficit to 250, to lose a pound a week the deficit will need to be 500.

    I think all you need to do is consistently eat less food and the only way you'll know that is if you log every day. Plus, if you are fluctuating your weekly amounts by a couple thousand calories, you won't lose on a steady basis.

    Try eating within 100 calories of your daily goal for 2 weeks straight, instead of 400 or 500 and I'll bet you will lose weight.

  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I think I found your problem: you don't appear to be weighing the food despite saying you are (cups and tbsp? medium size x and y?), you are using very generic entries (I assume that the way you chose entries here is similar to how you do on loseit -- so entries like "hummus - commercial" or "crackers saltine" are not specific. Use the actual brand for packaged items), your generic meat entries are also not specifying raw or cooked, you are consistently using the same weight on each item that you logged, generic pasta entries (does your box brand match up to a generic entry for macros and calories for the same serving size?), using generic entries for recipes (the pie is clearly not a recipe, and if it was a specific brand then you have the issue of not logging the specific brand), your intake is not consistent which can screw with scale weight readings....

    So overall just seems like poor logging that needs to be cleaned up.