

  • I'm very skeptical, but after hearing several people swear by G., I tried it for achy knees. I forget how long it took, seems like at least 2 weeks, but the pains went away. When I ran out and didn't re-stock for a couple of weeks, I started hurting again. That's when I became a true believer. BTW, if you look for "Buy One…
  • Wow, that's the first I've heard of this, but I love it! Encouraging. Thx!
  • Thanks for all the good replies re water. The only "con" I heard is that if you eat the amount of veggies and fruit you oughta be eating, you don't Need the 8 glasses. I'll go with you guys and Drink Up!:drinker:
  • I've started this today. I'm going to give this a go as my son and fiance in Boston both reported great results. I'm nervous about being able to keep up the entries during the day. I'm 56, not, up until now, a social network user, so I'm excited over the help I can get from this community if I'll just take the effort to…
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