SClermont Member


  • Oh thank you soo much for your reply! Ive been trying to warm it up and stretch stretch stretch it out! Thank god you told me, I will stop immediately!
  • I am not really "new" to cardio no. I started back on my old scheudle after having a baby so I was off track for a while but Ive been back at it for a few months now. I am pretty sedentary otherwise, I have a desk job 9-5 I am overweight but not obese, I need to lose about 20lbs to be a my goal
  • Thank you! I guess you are right, if I am working hard (which I think I am) then of course Im not full of energy afterwards! But, I guess in life in general I do have more energy then I did when I was not watching what I eat and exercising regularly. Thanks again!