New Runner- Help PLEASE

I dont know if this is a normal amount of pain or if Ive injured myself without knowing it?

I started a couch to 5k program (on week 3 now) I was active before so I kinda pushed myself to run longer than the program required. Since then I have terrible pain in my caves.
t started just being sore after I ran, then it was sore while running, then I was so sore while running I had to stop immediately...Now I can’t even run 30 feet without being in terrible pain for nearly an hour. The pain is instant now whereas before it was only afterwards. This has been on going to nearly 2 weeks now.

The pain seems to be in the inside caves.

Is this normal?


  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    It is probably a muscle strain or tear, likely in the soleus muscle. Running more on it will make it worse. Stretching will also make it worse.

    Ice it nd if it still hurts a lot after around 3 or 4 days you should see a Dr.

    If it is minor then a week of rest should get you back on the road.
  • SClermont
    SClermont Posts: 5 Member
    Oh thank you soo much for your reply! Ive been trying to warm it up and stretch stretch stretch it out! Thank god you told me, I will stop immediately!
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    The problem with stretching a muscle strain or tear is that everytime you stretch it re-tears the healing muscle tissue.
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    Exactly! What Scott said.

    I currently have that exact pain and it runs down the inside of my ankle. Mine started when I changed my running form to a midfoot strike. My calves were not strong enough.

    My physio told me to ice the heck out of it, especially after a run and make sure to massage your calves. He also suggested I submerge my leg in an ice bath, then switch to a hot bath...then repeat 4 times. My calf/ankle felt fantastic afterward. They sell a small roller online that helps to massage your calves and shins called "The stick". works great!
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    I had the exact same problem in my right leg, I went for a sports/deep tissue massage. It was amazing I went in almost hopping andwalked out reeling great and was back running two days later I can't reccomend it enough. Good luck hope you feel better soon x
  • MsChrissyAnn
    MsChrissyAnn Posts: 95 Member
    Something else new runners may have issues with is shin splints. It's a pain in the front of your lower leg. It often caused by incorrect footwear. Just something to think about. :)