Exhausted after exercise?

I usually go to the gym on my lunch for 20-30 min of cardio. I find when I get back to the office Im completely exhausted and I could totally pass right out for a nap. I thought that exercise was suppose to increase your energy and leave you feeling energized? Does anyone know why this isn’t happening for me?


  • Lieann22
    Lieann22 Posts: 67 Member
    Are you eating enough - or burning yourself dry?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    That's why I work out at 7:00pm, by the time I get my shakey legs home, I just want to have a hot shower and pass out.
  • BrookieHatesCookies
    BrookieHatesCookies Posts: 54 Member
    How long have you been exercising regularly? Are you new to doing a lot of cardio?

    I'm a runner but it took me about 3 weeks initially to get back into it after a period of laziness.. haha. But I've never felt sleepy! Try exercising in the morning and make sure you get enough fuel beforehand, preferably something with protein and some fat, a banana with a spoonful of peanut always gives me energy. And stay hydrated! :)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Are you eating enough - or burning yourself dry?

    This was my thought, as well.

    It is likely a blood sugar issue if you just want to sleep in the middle of the day.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I'm like a zombie after working out. I do it after work because I'm useless the rest of the night. It's been ongoing for two years, so I doubt it'll change.
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    A few questions:
    Are you new to cardio?
    Are you normally sedentary otherwise?
    and this isn't meant to be offensive...are you overweight/obese?
    yes to any of these is definitely a contributing factor.

    Exercise should feel rejuvenating.
  • SClermont
    SClermont Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you! I guess you are right, if I am working hard (which I think I am) then of course Im not full of energy afterwards! But, I guess in life in general I do have more energy then I did when I was not watching what I eat and exercising regularly.

    Thanks again!
  • SClermont
    SClermont Posts: 5 Member
    I am not really "new" to cardio no. I started back on my old scheudle after having a baby so I was off track for a while but Ive been back at it for a few months now.

    I am pretty sedentary otherwise, I have a desk job 9-5

    I am overweight but not obese, I need to lose about 20lbs to be a my goal
  • Drink gatorade or similiar drink. You're dehydrated
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Wait wait so you're telling me that you are using more energy than you normally would in a shorter amount of time and then you're tired afterwards? WHOA WHAT?

    Eat more before and after you workout. (chocolate milk helps me before a workout)
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    It took me a while after I started running not to feel like I was going to fall asleep after a run. Same thing happens whenever I up my distance. I think it's a combo of your body adjusting to the work and you adjusting to fueling for the activity. Make sure you are eating and sleeping enough (and drinking enough water), and you should adjust before to long. Good luck!
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I'm in the same boat.

    I just started working out hard this week. I am lifting and doing a C25K program.

    I work out in the early mornings, then go home to shower and change and then go to work. I'm exhausted at work.....
    I could fall asleep on my keyboard...

    But I feel like I get a better workout in the mornings. I'm not tired from the day, so I feel like I can put more effort and work into it. If I worked out after work, I'm tired, and I don't put as much into it. Plus, I sometimes get burnt out from work and don't feel like going to the gym at all. I skip one day, and that turns into a week, a month, a year....

    Mornings are better for me. But I still get soooo tired!!
  • BrookieHatesCookies
    BrookieHatesCookies Posts: 54 Member
    Try doing some weight training in combination to revv up your muscles for cardio!

    Make sure you're getting a variety of exercises in. Maybe try a pilates class, biking, yoga, or a dance class to get a more upbeat and energetic workout!

    I'm a dancer, after every class or practice you can't help but feel more pumped up. The moral/group support helps too :)

    Ohh, and make sure you are sleeping enough? haha. Seems kinda obvious, but I'm being serious, I have this problem!!