

  • I have a very similiar job by the sounds of it I work in a call center so I have 3 scheduled times that I am able to use the bathroom/eat/doing anything but be on the phone. My breaks are at different times every day based on work need, so I understand where you're coming from about drinking a lot of water and having to…
  • The first day I tried running my feet/ankles/legs/everything screamed out in pain. Your body is not used to being pushed like that, but the good news is it will only get better with time. By continuing to jog your body will get stronger and you will lose those extra pounds which result in your feet/ankles having to carry a…
  • Even though you have already logged your calories I log on to MFP just to read the inspiration boards etc, I also love Pinterest because they have a great amount of inspiration quotes in the "Fitness" section once I've read some of those I am so pumped up about working out and eating healthy I dont eat!
  • I would suggest if you've been doing the same workout for the last 2 years to change it up a little bit. Add some more cardio and make sure the intensity of what you're doing it at is as far as you can push yourself each time you workout. I did read no matter how many crunches/sit ups you do the six pack isn't going to…
  • Don't stress about what happened in the past you can't change that and stress will only keep you from losing weight. I had the same issue about 2 weeks ago with a horrible head cold. The only thing you can do is move forward. Wight loss is a science there is no secret. You eat well, work out, and lose weight. Stay true to…
  • I keep myself occupied by reading success stories on this site as well as on women's health. It's encouraging and helps you feel like you're not alone. For me, it makes me feel more accountable for my actions also.
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