Helpp pleasee!

skyenewlin Posts: 11
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
So I have found out recently that I am a stress-eater, meaning that when I'm stressed out I eat everything in sight. The last two days I gained 4 pounds by this stress-eating:(
Is there any thing else that could calm down my body during these stress episodes. Working out helps, but it definatly makes me more hungry later.

Any ideas can be used, and thank you all ahead of time.


  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    First I would say, there is almost no way those are real pounds. You probably ate crap that 1) retains a ton of water and 2) takes your body much longer to process (and turn to waste) than more natural foods.

    The next thing to consider is how serious is this problem? Is it something you need help (like professional level help) or is it just you needing to step up and say no to yourself? Either option is valid- just be honest with yoursefl and you will find a viable solution.
  • I keep myself occupied by reading success stories on this site as well as on women's health. It's encouraging and helps you feel like you're not alone. For me, it makes me feel more accountable for my actions also.
  • mgreen10
    mgreen10 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm sorry...Im not a stress eater but unfortunately I have other stress-related habits that are detrimental. The best way to conquer them is to just be conscious of it...have a conversation with your self. Like this:
    Why am I eating this right now? Am I really hungry? Am I feeling stressed? Am I eating mindlessly? If you don't like the answers to this, put the food down and walk away. It will take a lot of practice ...but you can do it.
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    I'm sorry...Im not a stress eater but unfortunately I have other stress-related habits that are detrimental. The best way to conquer them is to just be conscious of it...have a conversation with your self. Like this:
    Why am I eating this right now? Am I really hungry? Am I feeling stressed? Am I eating mindlessly? If you don't like the answers to this, put the food down and walk away. It will take a lot of practice ...but you can do it.

    I really like this pieces of advice. When you walk away from the food I would suggest a quick work out, something intense that released the chemicals from your brain, to help relax you. Also find a friend that you can talk with, for me talking about the stress really helps keep me from eating. Good luck!
  • Hopie17
    Hopie17 Posts: 53
    i have been a stress eater my whole life which is why my weight has gone up and down so much. i've found working out helps, eating fruit if i'm craving sugar, and looking at fat pictures of myself and the clothes that don't fit is really motivating!
  • skyenewlin
    skyenewlin Posts: 11
    First I would say, there is almost no way those are real pounds. You probably ate crap that 1) retains a ton of water and 2) takes your body much longer to process (and turn to waste) than more natural foods.

    The next thing to consider is how serious is this problem? Is it something you need help (like professional level help) or is it just you needing to step up and say no to yourself? Either option is valid- just be honest with yoursefl and you will find a viable solution.

    Thank you, I've been battling family/housing issues for a while, and yesterday found myself unbearably hungry and eating almost every 2 hours... and not exactly small portions. Which worries me, is there really professional help for these kind of things and if so what? Is it something like therapy?
  • skyenewlin
    skyenewlin Posts: 11
    Thank you all, I'm not exactly overweight... I can't look at myself and say eww I need to lose this and this. My problem is that I've always been fit and in shape and now I'm not. I used to be able to eat everything and not gain weight... until I tore my shoulder up and had to quit softball. Since then I've lost my 6 pack and gotten to where most people on this site would like to end up. I just feel like its something I let myself do to long and its habit... I guess what i'm trying to do is find another stress relieving habit that isn't unhealthy but makes me feel good.
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