Fallen off the wagon due to illness :-(

Help...... I came down with an awful cold at the start of the week, sore throat, sore head etc and i've eaten anything i could get my hands on, including biscuits and all the bad things.

I'm gutted as i was finally beginning to lose weight, other than just losing and gaining the same two punds week in, week out. I was three pounds down but when i weighed myself yesterday, its all gone back on :-(

I'm wondering if anyone knows of any good quick weight loss programmes?....I know quick weight loss isnt the healthiest option but i'm due to go on holiday next week, i'm panicing and i could really do with losing a few pounds.

I cant believe i allowed myself to lose control...i was doing so well :-(

Any help, ideas, weight loss ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks xx


  • suzikay
    suzikay Posts: 50
    I'd forget about it all until after your holiday, enjoy yourself and then start again: honestly better than stressing yourself now.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Drink LOTS of water, eat low carb, low sugar (a couple of servings of fruit = OK; watch added sugars in other foods) and high in protein, fill up on lots of veggies. Good luck! Hope you are well now! :flowerforyou:

    Just wanted to point out that it wasn't the illness that made you "fall off the wagon" so to speak. You may have chose to eat "comfort" foods because you weren't feeling well. But, it was YOUR choice. My advice is to look for other things, besides food, that will comfort you when you are sick or stressed, etc. Or find healthy choices that will comfort you.... 100 calorie bag of popcorn instead of a biscuit? Warm low sodium chicken broth with some veggies, egg, or whatever can be very comforting... tea? I am a total STRESS eater and have to work on that myself ALL the time! Easier said than done sometimes though!
  • nicbic123
    nicbic123 Posts: 75 Member
    LOADS of water...& obviously stick with you calorie goal...i have a few days pig out every so often and do exactly the same...i find this does make a difference..(even if it means running to the loo every 1/2 hr) ...it enables you liver to function more efficiently thus processing the food you have eaten...hope this helps x
  • Don't stress about what happened in the past you can't change that and stress will only keep you from losing weight. I had the same issue about 2 weeks ago with a horrible head cold. The only thing you can do is move forward. Wight loss is a science there is no secret. You eat well, work out, and lose weight. Stay true to yourself and don't make excuses (that's what I used to do) you are the only one who can create your future, remember if it were easy everyone would be doing it! Good luck!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    hey...I hear ya, quick weight loss would be great, but you know deep down inside that it is a bad idea. Won't really work out to make you happy!

    Better idea: have a serious talk with yourself and get yourself back on track, the healthy way. I just read your profile and your inspirations! Beautiful! YOU CAN DO THIS! So pull your self up and out and get on it girl!

    You will love yourself more and be happiest in the end with more self respect and integrity. :smile:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Best to just get right back on track with staying in your calories and dong some exercise. Make sure you're getting a good balance of carbs, protein and fiber and, as other said, make sure you're drinking your water (if not a bit extra).

    I know it's tempting to turn to comfort foods when your sick but try to remember next time that continuing to eat right (especially fresh fruits and veggies with all those vitamins/antioxidants) will actually help you feel much better in the long run.