

  • Hi! My goal is also 1200 a day. At first I thought...hell no!!! But once I found new foods I enjoyed that I could eat with meals or snacks I found it wasn't so hard. I ate more than I ever had before in the weight loss game and wasn't hungry. I started by going to the store and not buying "diet" foods, but buying foods…
  • Hi Sherry, my name is Sherry! I know how it goes, hard to keep motivated sometimes and although I feel I've done ok I have to say the holidays have been rough. Seem to have a problem getting on here (today is the first day in a week) but today I am getting back on track. It does keep me motivated and keeps track…
  • Feel free to add me. I am 54, and also had my last child at the age of 40! I have 4 kids age 35, 31, 21 & 14. I know...quite the!
  • Hi there! I am 54 and at this age losing weight sure has new challenges. I'd be happy to be your friend if you'de like : )
  • It was taken just over a year ago at my wedding, I was 53 then. I was as happy as I look in it! :love:
  • I am 54 and find it harder than ever to lose. Weight doesn't go to my butt and thighs anymore but straight to the middle. This gal isn't digging the muffin top either. I have cut way back on sugar and white breads. My body may never be what is was but I am determined to be healthy and live a long life.
  • You can add me too. I am new to this, so needing friends to keep the motivation going and so I don't drive my family crazy listening about!:happy: