Back Again

Options name is Sherry and I used this site for a couple years and I loved it but I just started getting burned out and I'll admit, I pretty much just gave up. I deleted my account and quit tracking or exercising and now I can definitely tell it in my weight gain and my energy level. So I'm ready to give this another try and I need friends for support & encouragement....if you add me, I promise I'll try my best to offer the same in return. And if any of my friends who were here when I was here before see this and want to re-add me, I apologize for leaving with no explanation but I'm back now :)


  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    HI and welcome back. Adding now!
  • K9rescue
    Hi Sherry,

    I hear you. I gave up a year ago - got lazy - no excuses. I now need to lose 30 pounds and am setting a goal of 6 pounds/month. Started back at the gym today and logging in. My hardest time is at work - there is always junk food available to eat.

    Good luck - I'll watch for your posts.

  • QueenJaneRoughly
    Hey Sherry. I understand how tough it is, but the important thing is that you're back. I'll add ya.
  • mamasher06
    Hi Sherry, my name is Sherry! I know how it goes, hard to keep motivated sometimes and although I feel I've done ok I have to say the holidays have been rough. Seem to have a problem getting on here (today is the first day in a week) but today I am getting back on track. It does keep me motivated and keeps track of things so I make better choices. I will "friend request" you as I need friends who can keep me going.
  • cdemon55
    :flowerforyou: I'm glad to see you guys are returning because it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one. I, too, am back. I've been having a major pity party. When I did Jenny Craig I had success and then because my husband had a health issue and lost his job, I couldn't afford it, so the weight crept back on little by little -(have to lose about 50 lbs) plus I was feeling sorry for myself so I wasn't really dedicated. I've been feeling old and just un-motivated. Depression has been a major factor. I'm a teacher and work with lots of young thin teachers and that just makes me feel worse and more of a failure. I even took part in the LEAN program through our wellness program and had no success; however, I did join the gym associated with it. You would think a college educated person could figure this out easier! But I am miserable and it's time to pick myself up by the bootstraps and get on with it. So today I joined some myfitnesspal support groups in hopes that it will help.I also downloaded more exercise tunes and renewed my yearly park pass where I walk (I live in near Gainesville, FL). :glasses:
    So here are my positives:
    *joined the gym
    *back on myfitness pal
    *joined some myfitness pal groups
    *renewed my park pass where I walk
    *connecting with people that are coming back to myfitnesspal
    THANK YOU ladies for giving me encouragement!
    Chris :smile:
  • deemedpriceless
    deemedpriceless Posts: 72 Member
    I would love to help you start this process. I need the support as well. So please add me.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    Understand falling off the wagon. I did the same 10 years ago after staying fit for several years by tracking.

    Friend up if you keep your diary open to your friends. New ideas is how I stay motivated.
  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome back. Consistency and small steps will help you reach your goals!
  • nurselisamarie
    Hi Sherry! welcome back, I'm brand new to mfp. I am also looking for friends and support, so I;m here for you,and I will send a friend request.
  • donnnaj
    Hi Sherry! I will supporrt you! I understand,,,I'm back to losing weight again first time with my fitness pal my son suggested it to me, I know how much I weigh because I weigh myself every morning for the past 9yrs yes 9 yrs!I don't want to put what I weigh down anywhere because I don't like looking at it. The funny thing is I work in the weight loss industry for the past 6 and half yrs so I know the struggles and live them everyday, I know what to do as most of us do, it's one thing to know the other is to do it, I coach clients everyday and they are very successful!!! In 2003 I lost 70lbs was so dedicated to losing weight as well as exercising kept it off for 5yrs I've regained 60lbs back can;t remember when and why I fell of track but I did! ready to get back on track and feel good again, so Sherry and everyone else I understand I'm ready again so any support is appreciated!
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: welcome back! i will send a friend request.
  • susanlung
    susanlung Posts: 10 Member
    hi there! I guess I should be a little more dedicated myself. Who knew this site was full of support, forums, groups, blogs, a whole community! Here I thought it was just an app, lol. Trying to get myself motivated as well!
  • Jaymefirst
    Jaymefirst Posts: 268 Member
    Welcome back, sending request. The more the merrier ;)
  • elaine_galacio
    Request sent. :) Goodluck! :)
  • consumone
    consumone Posts: 139 Member
    welcome back - I hear you - I just came back again too!!! Here we go!
  • elaine_galacio
    Hi there! :) I also back on losing weight first time in MFP. I have lost weight when I was 19 yrs old. I now, I miss the old me. I will support you and good luck for us! :)
  • sally414
    Hi Everyone - I rejoined today as well. I loved MFP when I first tried it. Then I switched to WW and haven't had much success. I love this program so much more and hope to keep up with my weight loss goals in 2013.