spiral82 Member


  • What did you do to lose the weight?
  • If I were your friend, I would support you in getting that sole number for $25. It appears that it is important to you. Once you have the number, it sounds like you'd be more content. If I were in your shoes and I wanted that number and it would benefit me in some way, I'd pay $25.
  • My goodness, that looks tasty. Saved.
  • There's a lot of hard scientific research stating that low carb, high protein lifestyles work. I've been on it for quite some time. I feel fine. If I start to feel lethargic, it's because I am not getting enough fat in my diet. I just up the fat intake and I'm good to go. I know several people who have lost significant…
  • Nice! What are you doing to lose the weight?
  • Agreed that Tracy looked extremely old and not attractive at all. I found myself saying she looked better when she was overweight. Rebecca also looked older. That hair color and cut don't do her justice. I also think she looks better with some fat in her face.
  • I know you want suggestions on multi-vitamins, but I think some people may find this chart interesting and helpful. The cool thing about it is that it is by age. =] http://static.oprah.com/download/pdfs/health/oz/oz_young_vitamins_w_20-40.pdf