StandardFiend Member


  • Diced Blends - Breakfast potatoes, 0.67 cup 120 Eggland's Best - Large - Grade A, 2 egg (50g) 120 Diced Blends are these pouches of potatoes that come preseasoned with butter and you just pop it in the microwave to make. I split the bag into serving sizes after making it and each morning I take one serving and fry it up…
  • The pokemon games have always been about connecting with people and getting people to interact with each other. They were some of the first games to come out to utilize the connecting cables with the game boy color for trading and battling with friends. Infrared and wireless just made it easier as the games advanced. When…
  • I like coffee a variety of ways and i find if i can fit the extra calories in ill go ahead and have it sweet with sugar if thats what im in the mood for. I find it helps cut down on my craving for sweets the rest of the day. Also i really dont think its helpful or necessary to nitpick someone over their use of…
  • Sometimes kids wont even eat their favorite foods, much less the ones you want them to. Sometimes you have to pick your battles and just let a calorie be a calorie.
  • I started a little more than a week ago and man it's hard! I've never had very good endurance when it comes to running, but even after just the first week I noticed a huge improvement! I have to complete the first week again though because I still have a hard time keeping up with running for the full time. I like to use…
  • I used to get the WORST shin splints when running downhill. Unfortunately it's unavoidable in my neighbor hood (You have to run up a hill and you have to run down a hill, the only choice you get is which incline you'd like). Changing my form has helped with that a lot though. Hills can cause you to land on your heels which…
  • Thanks guys! Those are all really good tips and I'm feeling a little bit better now.:) I have more options than I thought and I guess I can always just pick a type of activity to do based on how well I was able to stick to my calorie budget. I'm so used to coping with food, but since I've been able to kick that habit I was…
  • I just got into running a few weeks ago, and when I first started I landed on my heels because I didn't know any better. I'd come home with AWFUL shin splints that put me on the couch for the rest of the day. After doing some research I changed it up, corrected my form to straight back, elbows at 90 degrees, hands loose,…