Tonya79 Member


  • Thank you all so much, for something that should be as easy as eating right and working out...this mastering my own body stuff just gets plain old confusing sometimes!!!
  • I had the same problem yesterday, I wrapped with an ace bandage, did a low impact workout and iced with elevation off and on all day. I could work through the pain with the support of the ace, I think I just need to build knee strength. If yours is hurting really it as much as possible today. I am feeling great…
  • Music! I really need the upbeat music to keep me going, and my go to song when I think I cant take anymore...Casting Crowns..The Voice Of Truth. That song pushes me through every time!!!!
  • My big brother. He died at the age of 31 from Pancreatic Cancer. I was holding his hand when he took his last breath. He fought so hard to live, how can I continue to take my health for granted? Last weekend, I celebrated my 32nd birthday...he never got to turn 32. So, if for whatever reason God still needs me on this…
  • Defiantly Home! I have four children, trying to find the time to get out of the house would be impossible! I have a treadmill and elliptical in my sunroom, so I can watch the kids play outside while I workout! Plus, I love my DVD's for days when I need something different!
  • Way to go, keep it up and you will have to go shopping for new pants soon!!!
    in Pants Fit Comment by Tonya79 March 2011
  • That is AWESOME!!!! Keep up the hard work!
  • You look AMAZING!!!!!
  • No, not until I look at pictures of myself...then I think I look heavier than I really am. I look at those pictures and think, "there is nooo way I am that big!"