tccmikey Member


  • Yes! Know that we all go through the same process. Please find comfort in the fact that you are not alone and that each day is a new opportunity to recommitt to better health. It took years to gain the weight. It takes the same kind of habits and time to get the weight off. Don't be discouraged. Michael
  • Greedy selfish people who could care less for their fellow man, woman, neighbor, friends, strangers. We are all in this world together and we win when we work, play, worship and respect each other. Hard working people in Detroit will lose their pensions and there has been little noise made about this. My heart hurts right…
  • Thank you for the idea! I never thought to do that! I gues that if you set your goal to be a hypothetical 120 lbs, it can feel like you are climbing mount everest. A bit discouraging at times. I will consider changing every 10 lbs and see how that works. Again, thanks!
  • The matrix & Star Trek series
  • Hello dawne, I am new as well. I have learned during triathlon training, it is better to let as many folks know what you are doing. I helps you to keep accountable. I have been using the treadmill at home and the weight machines at work. This is a serious start and my goal is not to just lose a lot a weight early in the…