

  • MFP says 1560 but I'm trying to stick to 1200 - I have had my best results from that... I also don't understand the "earned extra calories" from working out. Sometimes it tells me I can have like 1900 which is TOO MUCH for a girl as short as me ;)
  • 5'1" here -The biggest I have ever been is 178 size 14 short. I am currently 160 and a size 10 I also am looking for a size over a number and my goal is a size 6 which means 140lbs. Short girls have it so rough b/c 5lbs gained can look like 20lbs on us. I was an athlete in high school and still do a lot of weight lifting…
  • Hi! I am also a beginner runner and am at Seneca Park on tue/thu around 8:30am.. It is pretty and flat and 1.2 miles around the loop. Hope to see you out!
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