5'3" ladies??? :)



  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    Me!! My goal weight is 125 :)
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Im 5'3 and my current weight is 240
    My goal weight is a lil higher for some, its only 160-150.
    I dont like the way I look "skinny" so I only want to get down to a healthy thick weight. :o)
  • dablej
    dablej Posts: 1
    105 may be too thin!! Just lose to where you feel healthy!
  • I'm 5'3" and my current weight is 200 and my goal weight is 160....yeah....getting rid of boobs is hard because thats the first thing to go before I can get rid of the rest of the fat I don't want...lol. I keep gaining like 20 pounds in like two years and then all the pants I bought that are still good don't fit me.... :-(

    I'm trying to get back to working out on a daily basis, but I have trouble making myself go. I enjoy working out, but I don't enjoy driving to work out and I don't have any other access. Plus I like to go with people, but I read the whole time I workout, so going with people is a bit redundant....lol.
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    My opinion is that 105 might be just a little bit low, especially with muscle gain. I'm 5' 3", 18 yrs old, with a goal weight of 125. But feel free to add me!
  • aamberrr
    aamberrr Posts: 115 Member
    I'm 5'3", current weight ~190, size 12. My goal is somewhere around 155 (depending on my body fat % when I get toward that weight), and size 6-8ish.
  • xFamousLastWordsx
    xFamousLastWordsx Posts: 301 Member
    I'm 5'3" :).
    I started at 140 and lost 5 lbs on my own, lost about 4 lbs so far on here so I'm 131 right now...I'm hoping to get back down to 110, that's when I think I looked the best.
  • I'm 5'1" my goal is no lower than 120/125, or no bigger than a size 6. When I was 110/115 I was no bigger than a 3/4, I dont want to be that small again.
  • I'm also 5"3! But I have way further to go than most of you. I look smaller than I am, and most people are shocked that I'm over 200. So my goal for the moment is 160. When I get to there, I'll make a new goal. I want health over looks. I've watched co workers and older family members let go and slide into diabetes and that's not for me! I want to live till i'm 100!
  • 5'1" here -The biggest I have ever been is 178 size 14 short. I am currently 160 and a size 10 I also am looking for a size over a number and my goal is a size 6 which means 140lbs. Short girls have it so rough b/c 5lbs gained can look like 20lbs on us. I was an athlete in high school and still do a lot of weight lifting and am now a beginner runner. I try to be active 5 days a week.

    Stay strong... Do what makes you happy and be honest on your food and exercise logs!
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    5'3 ..older than all of you :) *cough50cough*.....I'm at 152 now (started out at 165) . I want to get down to about 130 ..that is where at my age I look the best. ( I got down there 5 years ago and then ate it all back)

    Im about 2 yrs younger, 5'3", my goal is 135-140, that is where I look my best. However, I will begin lifting in 2 weeks, with muscle I may look better at a lower amount, if so I do not see my goal being any lower than 120.

    Good luck.
  • roxyj0mar
    roxyj0mar Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 32 years old. My goal is 120.
  • possibri
    possibri Posts: 158 Member
    I'm 28 and 5'3" and I started at 250, currently at 233, and my current goal is 180. I'll probably eventually try for 160, but I doubt I'm gonna worry about going much lower. My intention is to have a decent amount of muscle.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I am 5'3" and currently 112lbs. 21.5% body fat

    Waist 24"
    Hips 36"
    Bust 32"

    After my triathlon, I want to go down to 106lbs or 20% body fat
  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    I think it is going to depend on your body type. I am almost 5' 3" and am maintaining my wieght at 105 (what I weigh in my profile picture). I am very small boned and am the strongest and best shape I have ever been in my life.
  • dontquitforreal
    dontquitforreal Posts: 9 Member
    I think the last time I was 105 lbs was when I was 11 years old....... But everyone is built differently. I weigh a lot more than that and am aiming to lose 40 lbs with the end result being 132 lbs. But I know I would look pretty thin at that weight and still be a size 10. Right now I'm a comfortable 12 even at 40 lbs heavier. Plus petite sizes have never worked for me, especially in jeans. Plus I am in my early 30's, hence my current username. I remember one time in my early college years I was going through a rough time and stressed and I went down to 115. I think I must have looked too thin because I got comments from fellow students that my face looked thinner!

    People actually think I weigh less than I really do, even now. So really go with how healthy you feel. Plus there may be some genetics you can refer to if you'd like a realistic idea. If anyone has ever seen "Bridget Jone's Diary", I think she puts down my goal weight as her current weight or something like that, and wants to lose 20 more pounds! We come in all shapes and sizes. If you're eating healthy and exercising reasonably, just seek to find your "happy" weight.
  • bexx03
    bexx03 Posts: 32
    I'm 5' 2.5'' and my GW is 108lb but if I reach it i'll be happy to bounce inbetween 108-112 I think
  • bookwormwendy
    bookwormwendy Posts: 112 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 3/4" LOL I am, judging by the pic of you, considerably older and my goal is about 135. I will assess as I get closer and decide if I like it there but I promised my husband I wouldn't lose all of my curve.
  • Pixiecatlulu
    Pixiecatlulu Posts: 10 Member
    I am 5'3" and my goal weight is 135-140, I have a very curvy body type and always considered that my idea weight (size 6) from there I will re-evaluate and see what happens with good exersize and muscle tone which I never had even when I was thin. I have a LONG way to go, but I can wait to just see a 1 in fron of those numbers on my scale =)
  • I'm 4'11" and my goal is 105 as well..
    Or 110 would be be fine if I could just tone everything really nicely.