Hi any new joggers?

Hi everyone my name is Sonya I am a mother of two who works at home. It time for me to lose weight I also wanted to try and run a 5k next year and new to jogging anyone else new to jog or a pro can use any advice to get started. Thank you. Also would gladly love more friends the more support the better. have a wonderful weekend everyone!!


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Look into C25K, it's a really great running program for beginners.

  • Lisame11
    Lisame11 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Sonya,

    I have recently joined mfp and have just started doing the couch to 5k podcasts. Are you following a plan? I find the podcasts help keep me on track as they start slow, with achievable short jogs, and build up. They give you timings of when to start and stop running etc too.

    How are you getting on?
  • thank you everyone
  • I will be starting my first day jogging this sat i will look into the programs I dont want to hurt myself:happy:
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Hi! Iam not new to jogging. Have you actually looked up the definition of jogging? I am new to running tho! And I love it. I have set my mind to trainging for a triathlon next year.

    If you are new to running, I highly recommend the book "The courage to start" by john " the penguin" bingham. It is about becoming a runner later in life. Was very inspirational to me!

    Good luck with your journey. Feel free to add me along the way!
  • thktnin
    thktnin Posts: 1
    Hello I am new to jogging too. I am doing small interval each day in my daily workout sessions. Now I can jog up to 30 minutes non- stop at 3.0 per hour.
  • Lisame11
    Lisame11 Posts: 58 Member
    Just take it slowly so you don't injure yourself and end up feeling like its too difficult. My initial session was 5 minutes brisk warm up walk, 1 minute gentle jog, 90 sec walk etc until I had run for total of 8 minutes, then 5 min cool down walk home. Stretch before you go, and have fun! :smile:
  • AllisonMarisa
    AllisonMarisa Posts: 74 Member
    Take it slow, follow a plan (like Couch to 5K), and try to run on something more supportive than pavement (ie: track or a treadmill)
  • shuga_shay
    shuga_shay Posts: 29 Member
    I love jogging just remain consistant. Listen to your body. Stretch before and after and make sure you warmup and cool down. Good luck!
  • BrainOnAStick
    BrainOnAStick Posts: 126 Member
    Others have mentioned Couch to 5K and I also recommend it. You control the intensity. Here's what Week 1's three workouts look like: "Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes" (from http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml).

    I also recommend signing up for a 5K. Even if you're not up to running a 5k, walk it or do walk-run intervals. This will lift some of the mystique around races. I used to get so nervous with the idea of a race, but then realized that people of all ages, shapes, sizes, abilities, etc. do these things and so can I! It was also a huge morale boost when I realized that I wasn't going to be dead last (despite my concerns).

    Whatever you do, have fun! And now, a little running humor... http://youtu.be/rfaztVg4kaA
  • KJanae87
    KJanae87 Posts: 54
    Iam fairly new to jogging/running. I started in April with c25k and will be doing my first 5k this Saturday!! I have had much luck with running (I've lost 45 lbs and continue improving)! I highly recommend c25k!! feel free to add me...just add a message to your request so I know how you know me!
  • MamaLu
    MamaLu Posts: 7
    I started running about 3 years ago using the C25K program. I am now 52 and have run in several 5Ks, a few 10ks and am currently training for my first 1/2 marathon! Like others have said, the C25K builds you up to it slowly and before you know it you're running a mile. I remember how excited I was when I first ran 1 mile without stopping to walk...very exhilirating.

    Another thing to remember is GOOD SHOES! I don't know where you live, but there are running stores that will analyze your gait and help you buy shoes based on how you strike, pronate, etc. This will help keep you from injuries. Expect to spend $85-$100. Also, you should do dynamic stretching before you run (leg swings/kicks, knee raises, etc.) and then be sure to do regular stretching after the run when your muscles are warm.

    I'm definitely not a running expert, but have learned through trial and error - and Runner's World Magazine - over the past 3 years. Good luck and HAVE FUN!!
  • MamaLu
    MamaLu Posts: 7
    Iam fairly new to jogging/running. I started in April with c25k and will be doing my first 5k this Saturday!! I have had much luck with running (I've lost 45 lbs and continue improving)! I highly recommend c25k!! feel free to add me...just add a message to your request so I know how you know me!

    Good luck with your 5K this Saturday! Have fun and enjoy :wink:
  • MamaLu
    MamaLu Posts: 7
    And hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
  • pmtuft
    pmtuft Posts: 3 Member
    Go to a running store and have someone measure you for some good shoes. They will eatch how you walk and put you in a shoe that is right for your foot. Its not cheap but well worth it! :) Also, I recommend finding a runnign group to join-in MN we have a group call Mom on the Run-we meet 2-3 days a week and you can either train as a beginer with the goal to run a 5k at the end of 18 weeks or the intermeditae group which trains for a 10k or a 1/2 marathon at the end of the 18 weeks. Its well worth it to have a support group of outher runners to keep you motivated! Worked for me and I am runnign my first 1/2 marathon this weekend! :)
  • Thank you everyone for the good advice and good job and your hard work as well I just got some great shoes made for running and had my feet sized its like walking on a cloud : )
  • AshleyRice81
    AshleyRice81 Posts: 5 Member
    HI Sonya!! Welcome to MFP!! I like the others have recently started jogging (literally just completed Day 1 of Couch to 5K on Saturday). I have several friends that do run, and all of them have suggested the Couch to 5 K program. So far I thought it was pretty good. I am getting ready to do Day 2 tonight when I get home from work. My goal is to do a 5K in October...Im scared to death but keep telling myself that I CAN do it!! Good luck with starting your program!! We are all here for you!!
  • C25K is a really good program by Zenlabs. I loved the program, it helps build your endurance. Also, I set monthly mileage goals which helps me stay focused on running and being active. Even if you walk/jog you are still putting in the miles.
  • Hi! I am also a beginner runner and am at Seneca Park on tue/thu around 8:30am.. It is pretty and flat and 1.2 miles around the loop. Hope to see you out!
  • Libbyly
    Libbyly Posts: 175
    Hi Sonya,

    I have recently joined mfp and have just started doing the couch to 5k podcasts. Are you following a plan? I find the podcasts help keep me on track as they start slow, with achievable short jogs, and build up. They give you timings of when to start and stop running etc too.

    How are you getting on?

    Are those the Ullrey's Podcasts?