

  • I am NOT an expert but when undertaking a fitness plan as part of my weight loss it was pointed out to me that to burn fat you don't need to be right up there in that high heart rate zone. To know you are safe and to achieve what you want you should get an expert to test you to see which zone you would best burn fat in. If…
  • I don't think you are eating enough. Also your diet isn't balanced. There is no dairy in there by the looks of it. Also not a lot of protein. 2 slices of bread isn't a lot for breakfast - you need to have a good meal at breakfast to set you up for the day. Add a couple of poached eggs to this for protein. Or have some low…
  • Oh my goodness you look at 15 years younger as well! Good on you
  • I'm no expert on why it isn't working but don't give up. At the end of the day if you are looking to lose weight there have to be reasons for this and you need to revisit those reasons. For me it is about my health and wanting a happy and healthy life after work and kids! I'm not slaving away and missing so much in my life…
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