Annoyed to the point of tears!

brandy66763 Posts: 14
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
For 2 weeks now I have been walking at 2,5 mph pace for 60 to 90 mins a day for the past 2 weeks and eating 1200 to 1300 calories a day and that damn scale hasnt moved at all. Im so disgusted and annoyed that I just wanna stuff my face full of crap and give up!! What am I doing wrong here?!?!?!


  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    Dont give up. Maybe try something different. Or change something that your eating? I have been having the same issue. I did take a 1 day break just remember dont go to crazy if you do or you will be even more upset. It will happen!!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    I feel your pain. I've ben stuck on the same plateau for several months. I'm under my calories and my diary always says "if every day were like today..." and yet I never seem to get to that number.

    Don't stuff your face though. That won't help anything, except to make you feel worse. Try upping your water intake, or working out at a different time of day. Some studies say that makes a difference.

    If nothing else, message me and we'll commiserate together :o)
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    maybe your calorie intake is too low. It's hard for me to believe too, but I lose weight when I eat back my exercise calories burned, so I look at my net calories and try to get them as close as possible to my goal.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    It took me 2 weeks from the beginning to start to lose too. Don't give up, that is a sure fire way to fail.

  • I'm no expert on why it isn't working but don't give up. At the end of the day if you are looking to lose weight there have to be reasons for this and you need to revisit those reasons. For me it is about my health and wanting a happy and healthy life after work and kids! I'm not slaving away and missing so much in my life now only to not have a good quality of life when I am older. I lost 13KG last year and still need to lose a bit more and primarily it was about my health. Every time I feel like you do I slap myself around the head and remind myself I would only be hurting me in the long run!
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    i know the feeling of wanting to give up and stuffing your face full of food but thats not at all going to solve any problem. Try uping the amount of mph you do, try interval training like for a couple of minutes go at 3.5 then for a minute go to 2.5. Also, try increasing the incline a bit. Plus it is much better then gaining weight.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I dont know what you weigh - but I am going to guess that you are eating too few calories!
    You need to up your calories a little bit - eat back your exercise calories.... and relax :)
  • cris12
    cris12 Posts: 90
    you should not be eating 1200 calories a day if your height+weight ask you for a much larger amount. your body goes into starvation mode if your calorie deficit is too large, and weight loss will be VERY difficult.
  • ohiomom2
    ohiomom2 Posts: 13
    Have you tried to maybe do short bursts of walking faster to get your heart rate up? Or maybe try something different from walking, turn on music and dance around for 10 minutes. Whatever you do, don't give up!!! You can do this!! :flowerforyou:
  • Do you think your body is used to the 2.5 mph? I ran at a slower pace the other day and realized it hardly did anything for me because I was comfortable with it and it didn't "challenge or push" my body to do more. Just a thought. I am sorry you are getting so frustrated!!
  • buffalogal1979
    buffalogal1979 Posts: 236 Member
    Don't cry! Well, actually, go ahead if it helps, but DON'T give up! It might help to make your diary public, someone might have some insight there. Maybe high sodium? Maybe not enough calories, especially if you aren't eating back your exercise calories. Just taking a guess, but don't give up!!!! You can do this!
  • skinneemee79
    skinneemee79 Posts: 12 Member
    I hear ya! I didn't feel like I was getting anywhere either so I started taking measurements also and that made me realize that its slow, but something is happening. I don't walk, I ride a stationary bike and was reading up on the best way to burn fat and it said to do interval training(this works for all cardio). This is where you go fast for a minute, slow for a couple minutes, faster, slower, slow, fast...etc. You just keep changing your speed and intensity. I also read a few things on here and most people don't eat back all their burned calories, I read a lot of people only eating back I am trying that and I cant wait to get on the scale on Saturday. Don't give up!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    maybe your calorie intake is too low. It's hard for me to believe too, but I lose weight when I eat back my exercise calories burned, so I look at my net calories and try to get them as close as possible to my goal.

    That's what I was thinking. If your exercising at your MHR for a majority of the time you are probably eating too few calories. You can easily add healthy calories with a piece of fruit, vegetables, nuts, or something like that. Also, it's important to mix up your workout so your body doesn't get used to what you're doing.

    Don't focus too hard on the lies! I take one of three things into consideration when evaluating my success: pounds lost, inches lost, or the fit of my clothes.
    Chin up and stay the course, you'll figure this out.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    I hit a plateau early and was stuck for 2 weeks. Also, when I was trying to only consume 1200 calories and exercising I wasn't losing weight, but now that I eat 1500 calories and exercise I'm losing weight. Go figure, but it might be that you're eating too little. Not enough calories also makes the weight stay and even though you're eating 1200 calories you're burning that off with the exercise so you're probably netting under 1000 and that will make your body hold on to the weight.

    Don't give can do this!
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    Also- maybe you have lost inches, but not weight. I got on the scale and it said I gained 1/2 lb. I was so pissed. But, then I measured and realized I lost some inches! So---there's always that. Whatever you do, don't give up!
  • deema79
    deema79 Posts: 108
    How's your sodium intake? I dont add any salt to my food, but after looking at my diary I noticed my sodium was way over. Its surprised the heck out of me.

    Please DONT GIVE UP, this is a lifelong change. Be patient!!!!!!
  • kianaj
    kianaj Posts: 22 Member
    I've been in your position many times and have fallen off the wagon just as many. Stay strong, you will eventually start to see the results. I've been at this for a long time and the scale has just started moving in the right direction. I felt stronger, worked out longer, and could see the definition coming, but the scale didn't move...

    It's very frustrating, but look at the bigger picture. You're not exercising for the scale, you're doing it for your life. I was walking as well, but I started walking once a week and doing the bike and cardio which burn more calories unless you're power walking. I can't do any exercise but walk for more than 60 mins, but I can do it full throttle in cycles of 15 mins. Be encouraged!!
  • arotella
    arotella Posts: 98 Member
    I am no expert on this, but I definitely feel your pain!!! BUT don't give up! If you aren't consuming enough calories (which could be the problem here) your body switches to fat storing mode rather than burning fat for energy! Try eating more calories for a week or so and see if that helps. Besides... wouldn't that be a GREAT fix to the problem? :)
    Another thing... (I was just talking with a friend about this last night, because I too am having the same problem) The scale is not the only way to measure success... Do you feel healthier? Are your clothes fitting better? Are you more tone? Has your endurance improved? Look at the other accomplishments other than the scale! Exercising and logging food pays off in other ways too!
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I'm having the same thing going on. I keep hoping it's b/c of TTOM, but I've been eating good & exercising, so I will just keep on keeping on. Please don't give up!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm sorry that you're going through this, it is super frustrating when you're doing everything possible and not seeing results. Try mixing up your exercises a little too and add some hand weights or something every other day. Maybe changing your pace. Don't lose hope, we all plateau, you just have to push through and stick to it.
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