SciFish Member


  • Sounds more like a shoe issue to me. It's so easy to get bad shoes for your gait, especially if you go to regular sports shops rather than dedicated running shops. I wear orthotics because of excessive pronation that causes knee pain otherwise. I would hazard a guess that you are pronating or supinating in order to get…
  • I don't need to kshama, I know the cause of my physical symptoms now and consequently haven't had any major incidents for about three weeks.
  • I have a Charge HR and love it. I have previously had a Flex which I also loved, but lost it without trace after only 3 months :-( Charge HR (not regular Charge) has a proper watch-style buckle. I find it very motivational, but I'm a data-hungry scientist who loves setting small achievable goals. I have just given a Charge…
    in Fitbit Comment by SciFish April 2016
  • Echo was normal, which means no congenital heart disease at this stage (yay!) but definitely stress/anxiety causing my foggy spells :( Having that suggested by my GP was enough to make me reassess what's going on in my life, and try to plan my days a bit better. It's been a couple of weeks since I had a bad spell, although…
  • Thanks for your info everyone. I was really concerned about safety and I blame a treadmill for that. Wet days have seen me on a rubbish treadmill at the uni gym and I usually hold the bar as I manually drop the speed for intervals (it's so rubbish that I can't preset two speeds). It invariably flashes some warning on the…
  • It depends a lot on which Fitbit you have. Some detect heart rate and can figure out what you're doing. Others only count arm swings and need you to provide info manually.
  • Yeah I think that's all I'm doing really. I was fine on lower, but need to be careful until I have a definite diagnosis and plan.
  • Only just saw further replies, sorry. I thought I learned a bit last weekend and took it on board, but I had two more afternoon/evening episodes this week that scared me (I couldn't drive, and I also burned myself). In these states I can't even finish sentences, it's like being a zombie, and I can't think of words. So I…
  • Not too much calcium - just entered it as my instead of % !!!
  • Oh I won't supplement, I will just eat more iron :-) There's another issue... Far too much calcium, which inhibits iron absorption... Pennies dropping everywhere.
  • I might be getting somewhere... I dismissed the suggestion to supplement as I eat well. But apparently eating less makes that difficult to maintain, and I've eaten only 15% of the iron that I should've in the last week. My period just finished too. Did you hear my penny drop too?! I think a few things have just coincided…
  • Oh I do like carbs, I'm just not drawn to them. I don't dislike any of them. I'll eat a slice of cheese or piece of ham from the fridge rather than bread, for example. I'm going to have to experiment as I can't see any obvious answer.
  • Well I also reduced the calories and have been monitoring my diet much more closely in the last two weeks. Yes I'm doing an interval training program similar to C25K. I definitely don't overdo it as I really am terrible, it never gets any easier for me and I never get any better! As I said earlier, I'm only using 250 to…
  • Thanks Orphia. I'm 170cm, about 85kg, and I think I changed the goal to 1kg per week since I've only added running in the last four weeks and I thought that could realistically make the difference. It was 5x walks previously but now 3 are interval 'runs' instead. The calories were cut from 1400 target to 1200 when I…
  • Thanks for your reply. The 1400 was a one-off in the fortnight. I didn't know it until I just checked my history! There's a couple at 1000 but most around 600. I'm not very into carby food to be honest, and MFP is usually telling me I need to up it, drop a little protein and even more fat. I don't eat low fat labelled…
  • I guess I should add that I'm a 38yr old female with about 15kg to lose to a healthy BMI O.o
  • Several days, like a good week. But please don't think that being sick for a week means that you're stuck with a low metabolism!
  • I've found that I need success in order to stay motivated. Watching calories and logging on MFP hasn't done much at all for my weight. Despite doing the right things, I need more than just reduced calories (I must have crazy metabolism, but that doesn't surprise me). I've been doing Intermittent Fasting for almost 7 weeks…
  • Are you looking for someone of a similar weight, with a similar end goal? A bit of competition there would probably help ;-)
  • If I've translated that correctly, then I think I'm in the same ballpark, except I'm 35 and thoroughly metric by choice :-P But I can handle imperial ;-) 5'8", currently about 180 lb, goal 150 lb but lighter would be great. I've lost 13 lb since December, but the vast majority since mid-June.
  • Well ditto the comments about the troll. This woe-is-me OP can't even stay consistent about when 'she' is getting married. Save your rage people.